
This is an old revision of the document!

So You Want To Be A Pixel Artist?
The ever-famous “So you want to be a pixel artist”.

Short character sprite tutorial
A small FF6 character spriting tutorial.

Les Forges Pixel Art Course
A well-done textbook-sized set of tutorials on pixels.

SA Pixel Tutorial
A tutorial by one of the most talented spriter of Pixelation.

A Seiken Densetsu 3 Style Guide
A tutorial about Squaresoft GFX and more precisely Seiken Densetsu 3.

Derek Yu's Pixel Art Tutorial (Wayback Machine)
A well-made tutorial from A to Z.

The Pixel Art Tutorial (PixelJoint Forums)
Thread covering the basics of pixel art.

Noobtorials (PixelJoint Forums)
A bunch of small tutorials covering different aspects of pixel art.

Well made spanish tutorial (use google translate)
Tutorial using the Card Saga game sprites.

Pixel Art Tutorials (/r/PixelArt)

Tutorials on Spriter-Club (DeviantArt)

FinalBossBlue Tutorial List (finalbossblue.com)

2DWillNeverDie Tutorial List (2dwillneverdie.com)

Pixelation Tutorial List (Pixelation.org)

Pixeljoint Tutorial List (pixeljoint.com)

Text and Video Tutorial List by DeviantArt Spriters (last updated in 2010)

  • ff3/ff3us/tutorial/external.1502554110.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)