Table of Contents

Utility Page Description

This page explain the Utility Page Template.

Namespace Creation

Each utility must have its own namespace. As an example ff3:ff3us:util:ff3usme is one. Put there the files that can be downloaded. If you add screenshots, you can put them in ff3:ff3us:util:ff3usme:screenshots for Gallery purpose. Other sub-namespaces are fine too if it keep thing ordered.

For FF6 Advance, create your utility namespace in ff6a:utils and for General ROM hacking in rh:util.

Creating a Page

Open the template page you need and in the page id textbox enter the wanted utility name which will become part of the namespace (such as ff3usme in ff3:ff3us:util:ff3usme). Click on the red link in yellow box after to edit your new page.

The FF3us / FF6j utility template page is available here.
The FF6 Advance utility template page is available here.
The ROM Hacking utility template page is available here.

When your new page is opened and ready to be edited, remove the first section on top of page. It is similar to this but will differ a bit depending of which template you use. However it's always the first 5 lines:

<WRAP group>
<WRAP column leftalign>

Template Page Explanation

Notice: Any WRAP tag such as <WRAP group>, <WRAP column> or </WRAP> must not be removed from the template. The only exception is the above code block containing the first 5 lines of the template.

1) ~~NOTOC~~ at top of page is required for no table of content.

2) ====== utility name here ====== is replaced by the utility name. As an example ====== FF3usME ======.

Info Table

1) The following images for FF6 utilities are available. Use the one that fit the most the utility.





FF6 Advance


The following images for ROM Hacking utilities are available. Use the one that fit the most the utility.







2) author name here is replaced with utility author's name.

3) The following table has the utility categories available. If you use more than one, put a space between each.

Description Code Image
Assembly utility {{pagetemplates:type:asm.png?nolink}}
Compression / Decompression {{pagetemplates:type:compression.png?nolink}}
Debugging / Debuggers {{pagetemplates:type:debugging.png?nolink}}
Game Data {{pagetemplates:type:data.png?nolink}}
Graphics {{pagetemplates:type:graphic.png?nolink}}
Hex Editors {{pagetemplates:type:hex.png?nolink}}
Level / Map {{pagetemplates:type:level.png?nolink}}
Music {{pagetemplates:type:music.png?nolink}}
Palette {{pagetemplates:type:palette.png?nolink}}
Patching {{pagetemplates:type:patching.png?nolink}}
Save File {{pagetemplates:type:savefile.png?nolink}}
Save State {{pagetemplates:type:savestate.png?nolink}}
Sound / SFX {{pagetemplates:type:sound.png?nolink}}
Sprite {{pagetemplates:type:sprite.png?nolink}}

4) The following table has the game categories available. If you use more than one, put a space between each.

Description Code Image
FF3us 1.0 {{pagetemplates:game:ff3us10.png?nolink}}
FF3us 1.1 {{pagetemplates:game:ff3us11.png?nolink}}
FF6j {{pagetemplates:game:ff6j.png?nolink}}
FF6A (E) {{pagetemplates:game:ff6ae.png?nolink}}
FF6A (J) {{pagetemplates:game:ff6aj.png?nolink}}
FF6A (U) {{pagetemplates:game:ff6au.png?nolink}}
Steam {{pagetemplates:game:steam.png?nolink}}
General SNES {{pagetemplates:game:snes.png?nolink}}
General SFC {{pagetemplates:game:sfc.png?nolink}}
General GBA {{pagetemplates:game:gba.png?nolink}}

5) The following table has the Operating Systems available. If you use more than one, put a space between each.

Description Code Image
Windows {{pagetemplates:os:windows.png?nolink}}
OS X {{pagetemplates:os:apple.png?nolink}}
Linux {{pagetemplates:os:linux.png?nolink}}

6) latest version number here is replaced with most recent version number and the one matching the download link. In case you don't know, put unknown.

7) YYYY/MM/DD is replaced with release date of most recent version and the one matching the download link. In case of doubt, you can put just the year or unknown.

8) Thew download link is replaced with most recent version link. {{|FF3usME 6.8.0}} is an example.


Put anything you want here, as long as it is relevant.

Links like author's website, old versions, file(s) required, tutorials, etc.

if you use the gallery plugin, a syntax example would be gallery>ff3:ff3us:util:ff3usme?260x200&lightbox. Alternatively the ff3:ff3us:util:ff3usme:gallery or ff3:ff3us:util:ff3usme:screenshots namespaces could be an option. See the Gallery documentation for more info. Alternatively you can also display individual images if you want.