Table of Contents

Random monster formation

This page lists the algorithms that affect random monster formations.

Random number generation

C0/C496: DA      	PHX
C0/C497: EE A2 1F  	INC $1FA2      (Increment battle counter.)
C0/C49A: D0 09    	BNE $C4A5      (Determine whether to increment salt.)
C0/C49C: AD A3 1F  	LDA $1FA3      (Load battle counter salt.)
C0/C49F: 18      	CLC            
C0/C4A0: 69 17    	ADC #$17       (Increment salt +23.)
C0/C4A2: 8D A3 1F  	STA $1FA3
C0/C4A5: AD A2 1F  	LDA $1FA2      (Load battle counter as RNG seed.)
C0/C4A8: AA      	TAX
C0/C4A9: BF 00 FD C0	LDA $C0FD00,X  (Load random number from RNG table.)
C0/C4AD: 18      	CLC
C0/C4AE: 6D A3 1F  	ADC $1FA3      (Add salt.)
C0/C4B1: FA      	PLX
C0/C4B2: 60      	RTS            (Return.)

Salt ensures that the same pattern doesn't repeat often.

Monster 2 and 4 packs

Generate a random number from 0-255.




CF5000-CF53FF (256 items, 4 bytes each)

C0/A5A7: A5 EB    	LDA $EB        (Load locations 2-pack.)
C0/A5A9: C2 20    	REP #$20       (16 bit accum./memory)
C0/A5AB: 0A      	ASL A          
C0/A5AC: 0A      	ASL A          (Determine offset.)
C0/A5AD: AA      	TAX
C0/A5AE: 7B      	TDC 
C0/A5AF: E2 20    	SEP #$20       (8 bit accum./memory)
C0/A5B1: 20 96 C4  	JSR $C496      (Generate a random number 0-255.)
C0/A5B4: C9 C0    	CMP #$C0       (Determine which formation from the 2-pack to load.)
C0/A5B6: 90 02    	BCC $A5BA
C0/A5B8: E8      	INX
C0/A5B9: E8      	INX            
C0/A5BA: C2 20    	REP #$20       (16 bit accum./memory)
C0/A5BC: BF 00 50 CF	LDA $CF5000,X  (Load monster formation.)
C0/A5C0: 8F E0 11 00	STA $0011E0    (Save formation number to memory.)

Overworld 4-packs

CF4800-CF4FFF (256 items, 8 bytes each)

C0/C236: A5 24    	LDA $24        (Load zone's 4-pack)
C0/C238: C9 FF    	CMP #$FF       (was it an invalid/Veldt pack?)
C0/C23A: D0 03    	BNE $C23F      (continue if not)
C0/C23C: 4C DF C2  	JMP $C2DF      (if it was, go pick a Veldt formation instead.)

C0/C23F: C2 20    	REP #$20       (16 bit accum./memory)
C0/C241: 0A      	ASL A
C0/C242: 0A      	ASL A          (Determine formation pack rom offset.)
C0/C243: 0A      	ASL A
C0/C244: AA      	TAX
C0/C245: 7B      	TDC 
C0/C246: E2 20    	SEP #$20       (8 bit accum./memory)

C0/C248: 20 96 C4  	JSR $C496      (Generate a random number.)
C0/C24B: C9 50    	CMP #$50       (Determine whether to load formation 1.)
C0/C24D: 90 0E    	BCC $C25D     
C0/C24F: E8      	INX
C0/C250: E8      	INX            (Point to second formation in 4-pack.)
C0/C251: C9 A0    	CMP #$A0
C0/C253: 90 08    	BCC $C25D      (Determine whether the load formation 2.)
C0/C255: E8      	INX
C0/C256: E8      	INX            (Point to third formation in 4-pack.)
C0/C257: C9 F0    	CMP #$F0
C0/C259: 90 02    	BCC $C25D      (Determine whether to load formation 3.)
C0/C25B: E8      	INX
C0/C25C: E8      	INX            (Else, point to fourth formation in 4-pack.)
C0/C25D: C2 20    	REP #$20       (16 bit accum./memory)
C0/C25F: BF 00 48 CF	LDA $CF4800,X  (Load formation from 4-pack data.)
C0/C263: 8F E0 11 00	STA $0011E0    (Store formation number to memory.)

Dungeon 4-packs

CF5600-CF57FF (512 items, 1 byte each)

C0/C3D1: AE 82 00  	LDX $0082      (Load map index.)
C0/C3D4: BF 00 56 CF	LDA $CF5600,X  (Load 4-pack number used on map)
C0/C3D8: C2 20    	REP #$20       (16 bit accum./memory)
C0/C3DA: 0A      	ASL A          
C0/C3DB: 0A      	ASL A          (Determine the pack's rom offset (multiply by 8).)
C0/C3DC: 0A      	ASL A          
C0/C3DD: AA      	TAX            
C0/C3DE: 7B      	TDC 
C0/C3DF: E2 20    	SEP #$20       (8 bit accum./memory)
C0/C3E1: 20 96 C4  	JSR $C496      (Generate a random number 0-255.)
C0/C3E4: C9 50    	CMP #$50       (Determine the pack's formation to load (same as the overworld.))
C0/C3E6: 90 0E    	BCC $C3F6
C0/C3E8: E8      	INX
C0/C3E9: E8      	INX
C0/C3EA: C9 A0    	CMP #$A0
C0/C3EC: 90 08    	BCC $C3F6
C0/C3EE: E8      	INX
C0/C3EF: E8      	INX
C0/C3F0: C9 F0    	CMP #$F0
C0/C3F2: 90 02    	BCC $C3F6
C0/C3F4: E8      	INX
C0/C3F5: E8      	INX
C0/C3F6: C2 20    	REP #$20       (16 bit accum./memory)
C0/C3F8: BF 00 48 CF	LDA $CF4800,X  (Load formation from monster 4-pack data.)
C0/C3FC: 8F E0 11 00	STA $0011E0    (Store formation number to memory.)

Floating continent adds 0-3 to the stored formation number in equal probabilities.

C2/310F: A9 00 80     LDA #$8000     (This bit informs that the formation will be randomized with the next 3. It is defined in the pack data CF4800,X)
C2/3112: 1C E0 11     TRB $11E0      (Test highest bit of battle formation.)
C2/3115: F0 10        BEQ $3127      (Branch if formation is not random with the next 3.)
C2/3117: E2 30        SEP #$30
C2/3119: 7B           TDC 
C2/311A: 20 5A 4B     JSR $4B5A      (Generate random number from 0-255)

C2/4B5A: DA           PHX
C2/4B5B: E6 BE        INC $BE        (Increment RNG seed.)
C2/4B5D: A6 BE        LDX $BE
C2/4B5F: BF 00 FD C0  LDA $C0FD00,X  (Load random value from RNG Table.)
C2/4B63: FA           PLX 
C2/4B64: 60           RTS 

C2/311D: 29 03        AND #$03       (0-3 in equal distributions.)
C2/311F: C2 31        REP #$31       (Set 16-bit A, X and Y. clear Carry)
C2/3121: 6D E0 11     ADC $11E0      (Add the generated 0-3 to the battle formation number.)
C2/3124: 8D E0 11     STA $11E0      (Store the new formation number.)


Floating continent pack number 0x70, 000f4b80 b1 80 b4 80 b7 80 b9 80
