====== FF3us Related Links ====== This is a link list of pages that have as a primary purpose the SNES version of FF6. For other links, you can check the links concerning [[ff6a:arm|FF6 Advance and GBA]]. ===== Forums ===== [[https://www.ff6hacking.com|FF6 Hacking]]\\ Host of this wiki! [[http://www.romhacking.net/|romhacking.net]]\\ General ROM hacking community site that aims to bring several different areas of the ROM hacking community together. It has a large database of patches, utilities, documents and fonts. [[https://www.zophar.net/|Zophar's Domain]]\\ Once was one of the central place of ROM hacking but the activity there has declined gradually. [[http://www.insanedifficulty.com/|Insane Difficulty]]\\ Forum dedicated to difficulty hack on many systems. RotDS and Brave New world have a subforum there as well as other mods. [[https://web.archive.org/web/20200822111416/http://slickproductions.org/forum/index.php|Slick Forums (archive.org)]]\\ Now defunct. Lots of knowledgeable FF4, FF5 and FF6 folks used to hang out there! [[https://web.archive.org/web/20200414120355/http://mnrogar.slickproductions.org/phpBB3/index.php|Mnrogar's Den Forum (archive.org)]]\\ Now defunct. A good source of info about FF3us and the place where everything started. ===== Patch Hosting ===== [[http://assassin17.brinkster.net/|My Barren Webpage]]\\ Webpage of assassin, veteran hacker, that hosts many patches that are mostly bugfixes. You can also find on this site a commented C2 disassembly and other documents. [[http://www.angelfire.com/al2/imzogelmo/patches.html|Imzogelmo's Not-Even-Penultimate ROM Resource]]\\ Here you can find patches and essential documents for event editing, such as the event dump and event commands list. [[http://slickproductions.org/|Slick Productions (archive.org)]]\\ Now defunct. Good resource for disassembly docs (bank C0, C1 and C3 most importantly). They host a variety of patches, including their Pandora's Box hack. [[http://masterzed.cavesofnarshe.com/index.html|ZED's Unoriginal White Sheet]]\\ Host of various hacking documents and original patches. There are also FF3us documents such as the Sketch bug guide. [[http://l33t5k37ch3r.altervista.org/|Leet Sketcher's Patches for Final Fantasy III/VI]]\\ Website hosting various recent bugfix patches. [[https://silentenigma.neocities.org/|SilentEnigma's Cool Things]]\\ Site of a hacker that came out of the grave. Hosts a few patches. ===== Utilities and More ===== [[http://www.rpglegion.com/|RPG Legion]]\\ Patches, utilities and documents like the enemy command script guide and commented C2 disassembly. [[http://drakkhen.jalchavware.com/|Drakkhen's Patch Pages]]\\ Host of some patches, utilities and a partial FFVI Advance ROM map. [[http://geigercount.net/crypt/|Geiger's Crypt]]\\ Some patches, utilities and the incredible snes9x debugger. [[http://www.angelfire.com/pq/jumparound/|Lord J's website]]\\ Tables, data formats and some utilities. [[http://www.jce3000gt.com/|JCE3000GT]]\\ Hacks and utilities. ===== Graphics ===== [[http://www.spriters-resource.com/snes/ff6/|FF6 on Spriters Resource]]\\ Basically almost all the game graphics are there. [[http://www.videogamesprites.net/FinalFantasy6/|Video Games Sprites]]\\ PC, NPC, enemies and objects. [[http://vgmaps.com/Atlas/SuperNES/index.htm#FinalFantasyVI|FF6 on vgmaps.com]]\\ Maps! ===== Translations ===== [[http://kwhazit.ucoz.net/trans/ff6/index.html|Kwhazit Oddities]]\\ FF6j English translation page. [[http://www.icyforums.com/index.php?/topic/4401-japanese-final-fantasy-6-complete/|Lina Darkstar's Translation (Icy Forums)]]\\ Lina Darkstar's Translation forum thread. You can also download the {{ff3:ff3us:doc:game:darkstartrans.zip|Word document}}. [[https://web.archive.org/web/20071012103425/http://rpgone.net/modules.php?name=Projects&op=ShowPage&pid=12|RPG One FF6 Translation page (archive.org)]]\\ Mainly for archival purpose of the most famous FF6j translation. [[https://web.archive.org/web/20030623201547/http://sky_render.tripod.com/srt.html|Sky Render Translation (archive.org)]]\\ He has work on the RPG One translation. You can also check his own FF6 project [[https://web.archive.org/web/20030604120456/http://sky_render.tripod.com/ff6trans.html|End of Fantasy]]. [[https://terminus.romhack.net/index.php?page=jv&projet=ff6|Terminus Traduction FF6 translation]]\\ Most famous French translation. [[http://ff6.sm-soft.org/|Encyclopédie de FF6]]\\ French and English FF6 translation site. Last updated in 2005 and partially broken. ===== Other ===== [[http://datacrystal.romhacking.net/wiki/Final_Fantasy_VI|FF6 on DataCrystal]]\\ RHDN wiki entry on FF6. [[https://web.archive.org/web/20200822095118/http://mnrogar.slickproductions.org/|Mnrogar's Den (archive.org)]]\\ Some documents and nice savestates stack. [[http://fantasyanime.com/finalfantasy/ff6/index.htm|FF6 on FantasyAnime]]\\ Savestates and other stuff... [[http://www.rotds.webs.com/|Return of the Dark Sorcerer: A FFVI mod]]\\ Home of RotDS. [[http://metroidquest.angelfire.com/FF6_EC_vX/|FF6: The Eternal Crystals]]\\ Home page of FF6:EC. [[http://s8fp98fd5k.blog105.fc2.com/|64C48C92AA64C4B87E36C5591F071DC5 (Japanese)]]\\ Shall's Blog. He is the author of the FF6j hack FF6-G, which can be found [[http://ux.getuploader.com/shalldif/|here]]. [[http://jbbs.shitaraba.net/game/55803/|FF6 T-Edition Homepage (Japanese)]]\\ Home of the famous FF6j hack. Check also the english [[http://poematocx.com/ff6t/|poematocx page]]! [[http://x11.s11.xrea.com/|Inu's Sandbox (Japanese)]]\\ Data analyzer for FF4A, FF5A, FF6A. [[https://www9.atwiki.jp/ffbin/pages/30.html|ffbin@wiki (Japanese)]]\\ Japanese FF hacking page.