
Field Events

ID Description
ASM event pointers stored in code
NPC event pointers stored in NPC data ($C41D52)
MAP event pointers stored in Map Event Triggers ($C40342)
ENT event pointers stored in Entrance Event Pointers ($D1FA00)
SUB event pointers stored in other events (subroutines in the following banks) 
CA/0000: ASM	C0 bank Return (void pointer for ASM)
CA/0001: ASM	C0/A4E8 Wait for keypress then dismiss dialog
CA/0003: ASM	C0/BE90 Game Initialization Event
CA/0008: ASM	C0/4C8E "Received Item"
CA/000C: ???	        "Learned Spell", Never used
CA/0010: ASM	C0/4C7B "Found GP"
CA/0014: ASM	C0/4CA9 "Empty!"
CA/0018: ASM	C0/C441 random encounter
CA/0034: ASM	C0/C65F use tent
CA/0039: ASM    C0/C670 Warp/Warp Stone > $CA/0108
CA/0040: ASM	C0/4C9E "Monster-in-a-box!"
CA/004F: ASM    EE/B26C (EE/02E2) Tent (world map)
CA/0059: ASM    EE/B26F (EE/2092) Enter Blackjack (ground entrance)
CA/0068: ASM    EE/B269 (EE/6ECD) Airship Deck
CA/0078: SUB	        enter Falcon
CA/007F: ASM    EE/B275 (EE/938E) Enter Kefka's Tower
CA/0088: ASM    EE/B272 (EE/93B3) Enter Phoenix Cave
CA/008F: ASM    EE/B278 (EE/0441) Enter Gogo's Lair
CA/0096: ASM    EE/B27B (EE/01A3) Doom Gaze Defeated
CA/009D: MAP	Falcon, upper deck: Doom Gaze killed, receive Bahamut
CA/00EA: SUB	use tent
CA/0108: SUB	Warp stone in areas entered with airship (Pheonix Cave, Kefka's Tower)
CA/014F: SUB	Warp stone from Pheonix Cave  > $CC/0FF6
CA/0154: SUB	Warp stone from Kefka's Tower > $CC/1001
CA/0159: SUB	Resets turtles in Darill's Tomb 1 (used with warp stone)
CA/015E: MAP	Darkness, Tent: Sleep in tent on world map
CA/0182: SUB	Strago: "The Espers and magic will disappear"
CA/0190: SUB	Celes: "The Espers and magic will disappear"
CA/0198: SUB	"Right. We're going in!" > $CA/02D5
CA/01A2: MAP	Falcon, upper deck: "Right. We're going in!"
CA/03BA: MAP	Kefka's Tower, exterior: Main Area
CA/03C9: MAP	Kefka's Tower, exterior: Main Area
CA/03D8: MAP	Kefka's Tower, exterior: Main Area
CA/03E7: SUB	
CA/0405: MAP	Falcon (World of Ruin)
CA/0429: SUB	?
CA/0456: SUB	?
CA/0469: SUB	?
CA/048A: SUB	?
CA/0553: SUB	?
CA/055D: SUB	?
CA/0F80: NPC	Cyan's Dream: ?? GFX $8A

CA/1379: NPC	Kefka's Tower, Kefka's lair: Kefka
CA/1AA6: SUB	Umaro action
CA/1AB3: SUB	Umaro action

CA/23EC: SUB	?
CA/2F80: NPC	Crescent Mountain, caves: ?? GFX $7C

CA/3F13: NPC	Falcon, below decks: Terra
CA/3F1B: NPC	Falcon, below decks: Locke
CA/3F23: NPC	Falcon, below decks: Cyan
CA/3F2B: NPC	Falcon, below decks: Shadow
CA/3F33: NPC	Falcon, below decks: Edgar
CA/3F3B: NPC	Falcon, below decks: Sabin
CA/3F43: NPC	Falcon, below decks: Celes
CA/3F4B: NPC	Falcon, below decks: Strago
CA/3F53: NPC	Falcon, below decks: Relm
CA/3F5B: NPC	Falcon, below decks: Setzer
CA/3F63: NPC	Falcon, below decks: Mog
CA/3F6B: NPC	Falcon, below decks: Gau
CA/3F73: NPC	Falcon, below decks: Gogo
CA/3F7B: NPC	Falcon, below decks: Umaro
CA/3F83: MAP	 Daryll's Tomb
CA/3FF3: MAP	 Daryll's Tomb--Basement 2

CA/4004: MAP	 Daryll's Tomb--Basement 2
CA/4015: MAP	 Daryll's Tomb--Basement 2
CA/4026: MAP	 Daryll's Tomb--Basement 2
CA/4037: MAP	 Daryll's Tomb--Basement 2
CA/41A3: MAP	 Daryll's Tomb--Basement 2
CA/41C3: MAP	 Daryll's Tomb--Basement 3 (rooms with visible switches / downstairs rooms)
CA/41E0: MAP	 Daryll's Tomb--Basement 3 (rooms with visible switches / downstairs rooms)
CA/4216: MAP	 Daryll's Tomb--Basement 3 (rooms with visible switches / downstairs rooms)
CA/422E: MAP	 Daryll's Tomb--Basement 2
CA/4259: MAP	 Daryll's Tomb--Basement 2
CA/4278: MAP	 Daryll's Tomb--Basement 3 (rooms with visible switches / downstairs rooms)
CA/428D: MAP	 Daryll's Tomb--Basement 3 (rooms with visible switches / downstairs rooms)
CA/42C0: MAP	 Daryll's Tomb--Basement 3 (rooms with visible switches / downstairs rooms)
CA/42F1: MAP	 Daryll's Tomb--Basement 2
CA/435D: MAP	 Daryll's Tomb--Basement 2
CA/43D9: NPC	Darill's Legacy: Enter the Tomb "SETZER: Watch your step."
CA/44BA: MAP	 Daryll's Tomb--Long Staircase to the Falcon

CA/533F: SUB	Timer expires:	
CA/536B: NPC	Solitary Island, beach: Pidgeon tweets
CA/5370: NPC	Solitary Island, inside house: Cid, in bed
CA/54BA: NPC	Solitary Island, north cliffs: Pidgeon, Celes jumps off the cliff
CA/55E9: NPC	Solitary Island, beach: Find Palidor magicite
CA/55F9: MAP	 Solitary Island--Cliff
CA/55FE: NPC	Solitary Island, inside house: Cid, back to health
CA/5762: NPC	Solitary Island, beach: Fish A caught
CA/5769: NPC	Solitary Island, beach: Fish B caught
CA/5770: NPC	Solitary Island, beach: Fish C caught
CA/5777: NPC	Solitary Island, beach: Fish D caught
CA/598F: SUB	Timer expires
CA/5A16: MAP	Setzer's Airship, flying through the sky
CA/5A6C: MAP	 Floating Island
CA/5E23: SUB	Loading screen
CA/5E33: SUB	Game Initialization Event
CA/5E8E: SUB	Game Initialization Event: Game Intro
CA/5EB3: COM	Simply returns (void pointer for NPC, ENT or SUB)
CA/5EB5: MAP	WoB: Figaro Castle, east/west
CA/5EC2: MAP	WoB: Figaro Castle, east/west
CA/5ECF: MAP	WoB: Vector, before/after esper attack
CA/5EE3: MAP	WoB: Cave to South Figaro, pre/post Celes
CA/5F0B: MAP	WoR: Figaro Castle, east/west
CA/5F39: MAP	WoR: Solitary Island, north cliffs
CA/5F48: MAP	 Opera House, lobby
CA/5F69: MAP	 Opera House, lobby
CA/5F9F: NPC	Figaro Castle: Figaro Guard

CA/6601: NPC	Figaro Castle: Figaro Guard (throne room)
CA/661F: NPC	Figaro Castle: Figaro Guard   "Go see the king!"
CA/6623: NPC	Figaro Castle: Edgar (throne room)
CA/6786: NPC	Figaro Castle: Figaro Guard   "I heard the Empire is using something .."
CA/6794: NPC	Figaro Castle: Figaro Guard   "Gestahl has harnessed the power of magic."
CA/679E: NPC	Figaro Castle: Figaro Guard   "You must be tired! How about a rest?"
CA/67A2: NPC	Figaro Castle: Figaro Guard salesman
CA/67C0: NPC	Figaro Castle: Figaro Guard salesman
CA/67E6: NPC	Figaro Castle: Heavy Armor or Old Man 
CA/6807: NPC	Figaro Castle, switch room and prison: Figaro Guard 
CA/681F: NPC	Figaro Castle, switch room and prison: Pirate
CA/6823: NPC	Figaro Castle, switch room and prison: Pirate
CA/6827: NPC	Figaro Castle, switch room and prison: Pirate
CA/682B: NPC	Figaro Castle, switch room and prison: Figaro Guard
CA/682F: NPC	Figaro Castle, switch room and prison: Old Man
CA/6A28: NPC	Figaro Castle: Dead Figaro Guard
CA/6C12: NPC	Figaro Castle: Young Woman   "Though EDGAR showers his attentions .."
CA/6C20: NPC	Figaro Castle: Young Woman   "He recently tried to hit on .."
CA/6C46: NPC	Figaro Castle, library: Scholar
CA/6C5E: NPC	Figaro Castle, library: Scholar
CA/6C76: NPC	Figaro Castle, west tower (Edgar's room): Young Girl
CA/6C85: NPC	Figaro Castle, west tower (Edgar's room): Well-Dressed Young Woman (Nanny)
CA/6EE6: NPC	Figaro Castle: Imperial Soldier
CA/6EF2: NPC	Figaro Castle: Imperial Soldier
CA/6F02: NPC	Figaro Castle: Kefka
CA/6F60: NPC	Figaro Castle: Locke

CA/700E: NPC	Figaro Castle: Locke
CA/714C: MAP	Figaro Castle: Walk towards entrance
CA/7171: MAP	 Figaro Castle, outdoors
CA/71AF: NPC	Figaro Castle: Figaro Guard 
CA/71BF: MAP	Figaro Castle: Need a rest
CA/7590: NPC	Figaro Castle: Figaro Guard   "Figaro and the Empire are allies!"
CA/75B4: NPC	Figaro Castle: Figaro Guard   "Figaro Castle is the most modern .."
CA/75D8: NPC	Figaro Castle: Figaro Guard   "Weapons and items manufactured .."
CA/75DC: NPC	Figaro Castle: Figaro Guard   "The Empire has smashed the 3 cities .."
CA/75EE: NPC	Cave to South Figaro, outside west entrance (WoB): Figaro Guard
CA/7674: MAP	 Cave to South Figaro, main cave / short tunnel (WoB post-Celes)
CA/7688: MAP	 Cave to South Figaro, main cave / short tunnel (WoB post-Celes)
CA/769C: MAP	Cave to South Figaro: Locke "What is that noise"
CA/76B3: MAP	 ??
CA/76CA: MAP	 ??
CA/76E1: MAP	 ??
CA/7775: NPC	Cave to South Figaro (WoR): Sigfried
CA/7782: MAP	 Cave to South Figaro, second cave beyond the turtle (WoR)
CA/77AD: NPC	South Figaro (WoB): Young Man
CA/77B1: NPC	South Figaro (WoB): Older Shopkeeper
CA/77B5: NPC	South Figaro (WoB): Young Boy
CA/77B9: NPC	South Figaro (WoB): Young Man
CA/77BD: NPC	South Figaro (WoB): evil guy?
CA/77C1: NPC	South Figaro (WoB): Young Man
CA/77C5: NPC	South Figaro (WoB): Young Girl
CA/77D3: NPC	South Figaro (WoB): Young Boy
CA/77D7: NPC	South Figaro, docks: Sailor
CA/77EC: MAP	South Figaro, docks
CA/7860: NPC	South Figaro: salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CA/786C: NPC	South Figaro: salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CA/7878: NPC	South Figaro: Relic salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CA/7884: NPC	South Figaro: Item salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CA/7890: NPC	South Figaro: Young Man "The Empire attacked Figaro Castle?"
CA/7894: NPC	South Figaro: Innkeeper, Older Shopkeeper
CA/78DC: NPC	South Figaro: Merchant "Equip relics to gain a varity of abilitties!"
CA/7913: MAP	South Figaro-Duncan's House, basement
CA/793E: MAP	South Figaro-Duncan's House, basement
CA/794A: MAP	South Figaro-Duncan's House
CA/798E: MAP	South Figaro-Duncan's House
CA/79D7: NPC	South Figaro, rich house: Young Man
CA/79F8: NPC	South Figaro, rich house: Young Boy
CA/79FC: NPC	South Figaro, rich house: Young Girl
CA/7A14: NPC	South Figaro, rich house: Young Woman
CA/7A18: NPC	South Figaro, rich house: Young Woman
CA/7A36: NPC	South Figaro: Chocobo jokey, Older Shopkeeper
CA/7A8D: NPC	Chocobo squeek
CA/7A90: NPC	South Figaro, duncan's house: Old Woman
CA/7B34: MAP	South Figaro-Large House
CA/7B46: MAP	South Figaro (World of Balance)
CA/7B55: MAP 	South Figaro-Large House
CA/7B66: MAP	South Figaro-Large House
CA/7B77: MAP	South Figaro-Large House
CA/7B88: NPC	South Figaro, duncan's house: Old Man "Bring me some cider, and maybe I'll talk to you."
CA/7BC9: NPC	South Figaro, duncan's house: Young Boy
CA/7BCD: NPC	South Figaro, duncan's house: Young Boy
CA/7C3A: NPC	South Figaro: Shadow
CA/7D01: NPC	South Figaro: Interceptor
CA/7D13: NPC	South Figaro: Old Man
CA/7D1D: NPC	South Figaro: Older Shopkeeper
CA/7D2B: NPC	South Figaro: Old Man
CA/7D4D: NPC	South Figaro: Pirate
CA/7D65: NPC	South Figaro: Dancer
CA/7D7D: NPC	South Figaro: Merchant
CA/7E06: NPC	South Figaro, duncan's house: Merchant
CA/7E28: NPC	South Figaro: Young Girl
CA/7E2C: NPC	South Figaro (WoB): Imperial Soldier
CA/7E3C: NPC	South Figaro (WoB): Imperial Soldier
CA/7E46: NPC	South Figaro (WoB): Imperial Soldier
CA/7E5E: NPC	South Figaro (WoB): Imperial Soldier
CA/7E7B: NPC	South Figaro (WoB): Imperial Soldier
CA/7E9A: NPC	South Figaro (WoB): Imperial Soldier
CA/7ED1: NPC	South Figaro: Imperial Soldier in cafe
CA/7EDB: NPC	South Figaro: Imperial Soldier in cafe
CA/7EE5: NPC	South Figaro: Imperial Soldier in cafe
CA/7EEF: NPC	South Figaro: Young Man in arsenal
CA/7EF9: NPC	South Figaro: Young Boy in arsenal
CA/7F03: NPC	South Figaro: Young Woman in item shop
CA/7F11: NPC	South Figaro: Imperial Soldier in rich house
CA/7F15: NPC	South Figaro: Imperial Soldier in rich house
CA/7F19: NPC	South Figaro: Imperial Soldier in rich house basement
CA/7F78: MAP	South Figaro (WoR)
CA/7F85: MAP	 South Figaro, docks
CA/7F92: MAP	 South Figaro, Inn and Relic Shop
CA/7F9F: MAP	 South Figaro-Large House
CA/7FAC: MAP	 South Figaro-Large House
CA/7FB9: MAP	 South Figaro-Duncan's House
CA/7FC6: MAP	 ??
CA/7FD3: MAP	 ??
CA/7FE0: MAP	 South Figaro-Duncan's House
CA/7FED: MAP	 South Figaro-Duncan's House
CA/7FFA: MAP	 South Figaro-Duncan's House

CA/8007: MAP	 ??
CA/8014: MAP	 South Figaro-Duncan's House
CA/8021: MAP	 ??
CA/802E: NPC	South Figaro (WoR): Pirate
CA/8032: NPC	South Figaro (WoR): Pirate
CA/803A: NPC	South Figaro (WoR): ???
CA/803E: NPC	South Figaro (WoR): Young Man
CA/8042: NPC	South Figaro (WoR): Young Man
CA/8053: NPC	South Figaro (WoR): Young Woman
CA/806B: NPC	South Figaro (WoR): Merchant
CA/806F: NPC	South Figaro (WoR): Young Boy
CA/8073: NPC	South Figaro (WoR): Old Woman
CA/8077: NPC	South Figaro (WoR): Old Man
CA/8085: NPC	South Figaro: 
CA/8089: NPC	South Figaro: 
CA/808D: NPC	South Figaro: Edgar at Inn?
CA/80BF: MAP	Sabin's house: Edgar "Flowers, his favourite"
CA/80CF: MAP	Sabin's house: Edgar "And this, his favourite tea"
CA/80DF: MAP	Sabin's house: Edgar "These dishes!"
CA/80EF: MAP	Sabin's house: Edgar "What's that smell?"
CA/8198: NPC	Sabin's house: old man
CA/820F: MAP	Mt. Kolts: Sabin's shadow climbing part 1
CA/8230: MAP	Mt. Kolts with Fog: Sabin's shadow climbing part 2
CA/8252: MAP	Mt. Kolts: Sabin's shadow climbing part 3
CA/8267: MAP	Mt. Kolts-last area (where Vargas is)
CA/828F: NPC	Mt. Kolts: Vargas
CA/8468: NPC	Cave to South Figaro, outside west entrance (WoB): Imperial Soldier
CA/8473: NPC	Mt. Kolts, north entrance: Imperial Soldier
CA/847E: NPC	Mt. Kolts, south entrance: Imperial Soldier
CA/84AB: NPC	Scenario select: Locke (party shall meet at Narshe)
CA/854F: NPC	South Figaro (WoB): Imperial Soldier
CA/856F: NPC	South Figaro (WoB): Imperial Soldier
CA/858F: NPC	South Figaro (WoB): Imperial Soldier
CA/85E2: NPC	South Figaro (WoB): Imperial Soldier
CA/85E6: NPC	South Figaro (WoB): Merchant in Relic Shop
CA/8632: MAP	 South Figaro-Large House, basement
CA/868B: MAP	 South Figaro-Large House, basement
CA/869C: MAP	 South Figaro-Large House, basement
CA/8837: NPC	South Figaro: Celes in chains (free her!), rich house basement
CA/8973: MAP	 South Figaro-Duncan's House
CA/89AF: MAP	Cave to South Figaro: Locke and Celes battle
CA/8AC4: MAP	 Serpent Trench--Caves
CA/8C41: MAP	 Serpent Trench--Caves
CA/8C94: MAP	 Serpent Trench--Caves
CA/8CAE: MAP	 Serpent Trench--Caves
CA/8CBB: NPC	Nikeah: docks, Sailor "goto South Figaro?"
CA/8EE5: NPC	Nikeah: Innkeeper
CA/8F23: NPC	Nikeah: Weapon salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CA/8F2F: NPC	Nikeah: Relic salesman, Kid "You took one look at me .."
CA/8F3E: NPC	Nikeah: Armor salesman, Merchant
CA/8F4A: NPC	Nikeah: Item salesman, Young Man
CA/8F56: NPC	Nikeah: Young Man "Looks like junk, but"
CA/8F64: NPC	Nikeah: Young Man "Have any imported goods?"
CA/8F72: NPC	Nikeah: Young Woman Red dress "The land to the east .."
CA/8F80: NPC	Nikeah: Young Woman Blue dress "Move along, now."
CA/8F8E: NPC	Nikeah: Running Young Boy "No one can reach Nikeah unless .."
CA/8F9C: NPC	Nikeah: Old Woman "A rock slide has blocked .."
CA/8FB4: NPC	Nikeah: Chocobo jokey
CA/8FF7: NPC	Nikeah: cafe, Barkeep, "There used to be ships sailing .."

CA/9005: NPC	Nikeah: cafe, Old Woman at table "Ya met that odd man .."
CA/9009: NPC	Nikeah: cafe, Dancer "Yoo Hoo!"
CA/9189: NPC	Nikeah: cafe, Pirate "From out of nowhere .."
CA/9193: NPC	Nikeah: cafe, Pirate "Our last boss perishd that day."
CA/919D: NPC	Nikeah: cafe, Pirate "The boss wants to sneak into Figaro .."
CA/91A7: NPC	Nikeah: cafe, Pirate "We'll enter da castle through .."
CA/91DA: NPC 	Nikeah: Gerad "What's your problem?"
CA/927E: NPC	Gerad's Pirates, going to Figaro Castle   "What're ya doin'? Get away!"
CA/9282: MAP	Nikeah: docks, Following Gerad onto ship
CA/9337: NPC	Owzer's house: Impresario "Maria!?"
CA/93EF: NPC	Owzer's house: Scholar
CA/93FA: NPC	Owzer's house: Envelope
CA/94FF: MAP	Zozo: Clock   "Hand's pointin' at the two."
CA/950B: NPC	Zozo: Pirate   "Zozo!? Never heard of it."
CA/950F: NPC	Zozo: Merchant   "Great people, here!"
CA/9513: NPC	Zozo: Merchant   "This place is dangerous!"
CA/9542: NPC	Zozo: Pigeon   flys away
CA/9576: NPC	Zozo: Pirate   "That clock has no minute hand."
CA/957A: NPC	Zozo: Pirate   "Clock's second hand's pointin' at 30."
CA/957E: NPC	Zozo: Pirate   "The seconds? They're divisible by 20!"
CA/9582: NPC	Zozo: Pirate   "The second hand of my watch is pointing at four."
CA/9586: NPC	Zozo: Pirate   "Girl? Haven't seen any girls here."
CA/9594: NPC	Zozo: Pirate   "Phew! How long we gonna have ta do this!?"
CA/9598: NPC	Zozo: Pirate   "Time? It's 4:00."
CA/959C: NPC	Zozo: Pirate   "You can trust me! It's 8:00."
CA/95A0: NPC	Zozo: Pirate   "10:00! Time to go home!
CA/95A4: NPC	Zozo: Pirate   "It's already 12:00."
CA/95A8: NPC	Zozo: Pirate   "It's now 2:00."
CA/95AC: NPC	Zozo: Pirate   "Great people, here!"
CA/95B0: NPC	Zozo: Old Man   "Get in line!"
CA/95B4: NPC	Zozo: Empty   
CA/95C6: MAP	Zozo
CA/95DC: MAP	Zozo
CA/95F2: MAP	Zozo
CA/9607: MAP	Zozo
CA/963D: MAP	Zozo
CA/96A9: NPC	Zozo: Some guy?   "Good day, gentle folks."
CA/96BD: MAP	Zozo: Clock       "Please reset the hour."
CA/971A: MAP	Zozo: Open if clock correctly set
CA/9D36: NPC	Esper World: esper?
CA/9D68: NPC	Esper World: Fairy
CA/9DCF: NPC	Esper World: Strange Bird Creature
CA/9E3E: NPC	Esper World: Cult Guy?
CA/9E42: NPC	Esper World: Strange Bird Creature
CA/9E46: NPC	Esper World: Another Wolf
CA/9E76: NPC	Esper World: Another Wolf
CA/9E84: NPC	Esper World: Dragon (and opera house!?)
CA/9E92: NPC	Esper World: Another Wolf
CA/9EA0: NPC	Esper World: Fairy
CA/9EAE: NPC	Esper World: Fairy
CA/9EB2: NPC	Esper World: Madonna, Young Woman
CA/9F26: NPC	Esper World: Madonna, Young Woman
CA/9FA2: NPC	Esper World: Madonna, Young Woman
CA/9FBF: NPC	Esper World: Fairy ""
CA/A6C0: NPC	Blackjack, upper deck: Book (the wheel?)
CA/A78F: MAP	Esper Cave
CA/A7F5: NPC	Zozo: Ramuh Magicite "We few can help save many."
CA/A890: NPC	Zozo: Party at tower top "Eveyone here?"
CA/AC91: NPC	Zozo: Siren Magicite at tower top 
CA/ACA0: NPC	Zozo: Kirin Magicite at tower top 
CA/ACAF: NPC	Zozo: Stray Magicite at tower top 
CA/ADF1: NPC	Opera House: Young Man, lobby      "The Opera House's closed."
CA/ADFF: NPC	Opera House: Young Man, lobby      "Shriek!!! Help!HELP!!!"
CA/AE0D: NPC	Opera House: Impresario in lobby   "Looks like we're gonna have .."
CA/AE11: NPC	Opera House: Impresario in theater "A dragon is sitting smack .."
CA/AE15: NPC	Opera House: Impresario in lobby   "Ah! You again!"
CA/B455: NPC	Opera House (WoB): Stage Master, Young Man
CA/B484: MAP	Opera House, backstage & catwalk door (WoB post-Ultros / WoR)
CA/B497: MAP	Opera House, backstage & catwalk door (WoB post-Ultros / WoR)
CA/B570: MAP	Opera House, backstage & catwalk door (WoB post-Ultros / WoR)
CA/B6FB: MAP	Opera House, backstage & catwalk door (WoB post-Ultros / WoR)
CA/B714: NPC	Opera House (WoB): Edgar   "Go right ahead."
CA/B718: NPC	Opera House (WoB): Sabin   "Uh? Why's everyone singing?"
CA/B71C: NPC	Opera House (WoB): Cyan    "Going somewhere? I'm going to relax!"
CA/B720: NPC	Opera House (WoB): Gau     "Pretty song!"
CA/B724: NPC	Opera House (WoB): Impresario   "Your friend left."
CA/BAE6: MAP	Opera House, disabled backstage & catwalk door / dressing room
CA/BAFD: MAP	Opera House, disabled backstage & catwalk door / dressing room
CA/BD35: NPC	Opera House (WoB): Draco   "Come, Maria! Follow my lead"
CA/BE6D: MAP	Opera House--Castle Scene
CA/BF1F: SUB	Opera House (WoB): Failed to perform the Opera,   "We messed up"
CA/BF27: NPC	Opera House (WoB): Flower bouquet, start dancing in the opera
CA/BF31: NPC	Opera House (WoB): Ultros   "I owe you one, so I'm gonna jam .."
CA/BF3E: NPC	Opera House (WoB): Envelope in lobby
CA/BF4B: NPC	Opera House, catwalks (WoB): Ultros
CA/C368: NPC	Opera House, catwalks (WoB): Rat Battle A
CA/C37B: NPC	Opera House, catwalks (WoB): Rat Battle B
CA/C38E: NPC	Opera House, catwalks (WoB): Rat Battle C
CA/C3A1: NPC	Opera House, catwalks (WoB): Rat Battle D
CA/C3B4: NPC	Opera House, catwalks (WoB): Rat Battle E
CA/C5C1: SUB	set CaseWord bit corresponding to number of characters in party
CA/C6AC: SUB	set Party with one character in the CaseWord
CA/C90B: SUB	?
CA/CA64: SUB	set CaseWord bit based on facing: 0:down, 1:left, 2:up, 3:right
CA/CD17: MAP	Sleep in random bed (Narshe)
CA/CD31: ???	Tent?
CA/CD3C: ???	Sleep at Inn?
CA/CD5B: SUB	Shadows Dream's: 1st dream (Baram)
CA/CDD9: SUB	Shadows Dream's: 2nd dream (train robbery)
CA/CE51: SUB	Sahdows Dream's: 3rd dream (Baram's death)
CA/CEFE: SUB	Shadows Dream's: 4th dream (Thamasa)
CA/CFBD: SUB	heals all HP/MP/Statuses except M-Tek & Dog Block
CA/D52B: MAP	 Floating Island
CA/D53A: MAP	 Floating Island
CA/D550: MAP	 Floating Island
CA/D583: MAP	 Floating Island
CA/D5AC: MAP	 Floating Island
CA/D62F: MAP	 Floating Island
CA/D645: MAP	 Floating Island
CA/D660: MAP	 Floating Island
CA/D697: MAP	 Floating Island
CA/D728: MAP	 Floating Island
CA/D752: MAP	 Floating Island
CA/D7D6: MAP	 Floating Island
CA/D802: MAP	 Floating Island
CA/D888: MAP	 Floating Island
CA/D8AF: MAP	 Floating Island
CA/D8D1: MAP	 Floating Island
CA/D907: MAP	 Floating Island
CA/D916: MAP	 Floating Island
CA/D940: MAP	 Floating Island--Save Point
CA/D9A7: NPC	Floating Island: Shadow
CA/DA30: NPC	Floating Island: Atma
CA/DA48: NPC	Floating Island: big sparkle
CA/DA55: MAP	 Floating Island
CA/DAC0: MAP	 Floating Island
CA/DD1E: MAP	 Floating Island

CA/E402: MAP	 Floating Island--being destroyed, Naughtys attack
CA/E40B: MAP	 Floating Island--being destroyed, Naughtys attack
CA/E480: MAP	 Floating Island--being destroyed, Naughtys attack
CA/E49D: MAP	 Floating Island--being destroyed, Naughtys attack
CA/E4DA: MAP	 Floating Island--being destroyed, Naughtys attack
CA/E4F4: MAP	 Floating Island--being destroyed, Naughtys attack
CA/E51A: MAP	 Floating Island--being destroyed, Naughtys attack
CA/E529: MAP	 Floating Island--being destroyed, Naughtys attack
CA/E54B: MAP	 Floating Island--being destroyed, Naughtys attack
CA/E55E: MAP	 Floating Island--being destroyed, Naughtys attack
CA/577E: MAP	 Floating Island--being destroyed, Naughtys attack
CA/E8AD: MAP	 Floating Island--being destroyed, Naughtys attack
CA/E8C4: MAP	 Floating Island--being destroyed, Naughtys attack
CA/E8DB: MAP	 Floating Island--being destroyed, Naughtys attack
CA/E8F4: ENT	Darkness, tent & game over?: hide player, clear event bit $2BD
CA/E8FF: ENT	Darkness, choose a scenario: play silence
CA/E902: ENT	Blackjack, upper deck, breaking apart (end of the WoB): hide player
CA/E90B: ENT	Falcon, upper deck, general use.
CA/EA09: ENT	South Figaro, outdoors (party being smuggled out of occupied town)
CA/EA0D: ENT	Cave to South Figaro, second cave beyond the turtle (WoR)
CA/EA5D: ENT	Figaro Castle, misc rooms
CA/EA71: ENT	Figaro Castle, library
CA/EA8F: ENT	Figaro Castle, switch room and prison
CA/EAEA: ENT	Figaro Castle, engine room
CA/EB73: ENT	Cave to South Figaro, main cave/short tunnel/east exit (WoB post-Celes)
CA/EB80: ENT	South Figaro, outdoors (WoR)	
CA/EBA1: ENT	South Figaro, outdoors (WoB)
CA/EC39: ENT	South Figaro, cafe and cafe basement (always)
CA/ECA1: ENT	South Figaro, chocobo stable
CA/ECAC: ENT	South Figaro, rich house
CA/ECDC: ENT	South Figaro, below rich house, stairwell/hallway/Celes' cell
CA/ECF2: ENT	South Figaro, clockroom and Duncan's basement
CA/ED1B: ENT	South Figaro, Duncan's house / old man's house / tunnel ends
CA/ED31: ENT	Cave to South Figaro, turtle pond / up NW stairs (WoR)
CA/ED7D: ENT	South Figaro, docks
CA/ED81: ENT	Mt. Kolts, lower cliffs, without clouds
CA/ED86: ENT	Mt. Kolts, lower cliffs, with clouds
CA/ED8B: ENT	Nikeah, outdoors
CA/EDF4: ENT	Nikeah, inn
CA/EE00: ENT	Nikeah, cafe
CA/EE12: ENT	Nikeah, chocobo stable
CA/EE1E: ENT	Serpent Trench, caves
CA/EE8A: ENT	Nikeah, docks / cargo ship at sea
CA/EE96: ENT	Esper World, outdoors (Terra's flashback / Ramuh's flashback)
CA/EEC3: ENT	Esper World, cave to the exit (Terra's flashback)
CA/EF84: ENT	Esper World, caves (Terra's flashback)
CA/EF85: ENT	Zozo, outdoors
CA/EFB8: ENT	Zozo, all rooms except tower top (always)
CA/F004: ENT	Zozo, room at tower top
CA/F008: ENT	Opera House, backstage & catwalk door, enabled
CA/F011: ENT	Opera House, theater
CA/F135: ENT	Opera House, theater (overture to the opera)
CA/F14E: ENT	Opera House, catwalks over stage
CA/F182: ENT	Opera House, lobby
CA/F187: ENT	Opera House, disabled backstage & catwalk door
CA/F1A2: ENT	Darill's Tomb, outside entrance
CA/F205: ENT	Darill's Tomb, rooms with visible switches / downstairs rooms
CA/F28D: ENT	Kefka's Tower, Kefka's lair, red background
CA/F2AD: ENT	Kefka's Tower, Kefka's lair, blue background 
CA/F2B5: ENT	Floating Island, outdoors, dark background (collapsing)
CA/F30A: ENT	Floating Island, outdoors, with background clouds (normal)
CA/F42D: ENT	Solitary Island, inside house 
CA/F464: ENT	Solitary Island, beach with fish
CA/F468: ENT	Solitary Island, north cliffs 
CA/F477: ENT	Solitary Island, beach w/o fish (Celes fails suicide/Celes rafts away)
CA/F47B: NPC	Blackjack, upper deck: Setzer
CA/F47C: ENT	Blackjack, below deck
CA/F532: MAP	Darryl's Airship, with Darryl at the helm
CA/F64B: NPC	Returners' Hideout, main cave: Salesman, Returner
CA/F64E: NPC	Returners' Hideout: Innkeeper, Returner
CA/F68A: NPC	Returners' Hideout, main cave: Returner "King Edgar! this way, please!"
CA/F6F0: MAP	Returners' Hideout, main cave
CA/F717: MAP	Returners' Hideout, main cave
CA/F745: MAP	Returners' Hideout, main cave
CA/F76E: NPC	Returners' Hideout, main cave: Returner "Did you speak with Banon?"
CA/F784: NPC	Returners' Hideout, main cave: Returner "Not even the Empire'd think.."
CA/F93A: ENT	Returners' Hideout, entrance
CA/F94E: ENT	Returners' Hideout, rooms
CA/F999: NPC	Returners' Hideout, bedroom / storeroom: Returner
CA/F9A9: NPC	Returners' Hideout, bedroom / storeroom: Edgar
CA/F9AF: NPC	Returners' Hideout, main cave: Sabin
CA/FAB8: NPC	Returners' Hideout, entrance: Banon "last ray of hope?"
CB/002B: MAP	Returners' Hideout, main cave
CB/0080: NPC	Returners' Hideout, main cave: Meeting and Empire attacks South Figaro
CB/0412: MAP	Returners' Hideout, save point / bedroom / storeroom
CB/0462: ENT	Returners' Hideout, tunnel to Lete River: play waterfall
CB/0469: ENT	Lete River, outoors
CB/047C: ENT	Lete River, river caves
CB/051C: MAP	Lete River, inner caves
CB/055C: MAP	Lete River, inner caves
CB/059F: NPC	Lete River: Ultros/Young Man
CB/094E: NPC	Banon, Edgar, Terra scenario: Scenario select NPCs
CB/0A1C; NPC	Sabin's scenario: Sabin in scenario select
CB/0A5F: NPC	Gau's father's house: Shadow
CB/0B10: NPC	Gau's father's house: Interceptor
CB/0B3F: ENT	Gau's father's house, outdoors (WoB)
CB/0B7E: NPC	Gau's father's house: Imperial Soldier on chocobo, salesman
CB/0BB7: MAP	Imperial Camp
CB/OBEB: ENT	Imperial Camp (before Doma is poisoned)
CB/0C2F: MAP	Imperial Camp (Before Doma is poisoned)
CB/0C47: MAP	Imperial Camp (Before Doma is poisoned)
CB/0C5E: MAP	Imperial Camp (Before Doma is poisoned)
CB/0D87: SUB	Imperial Camp: Battle random Imperial Soldier
CB/0D9B: NPC	Imperial Camp: Imperial Soldier encounter
CB/0DA6: ???	Imperial Camp: Imperial Soldier encounter (perhaps unused)
CB/0DB3: NPC	Imperial Camp: Dog (be nice to the dog)
CB/0DBE: NPC	Imperial Camp: Chest "Kick it/Hit it"
CB/0EED: MAP	Imperial Camp (Before Doma is poisoned)
CB/0EF8: MAP	Imperial Camp (Before Doma is poisoned)
CB/0F03: MAP	Imperial Camp (Before Doma is poisoned)
CB/0F19: MAP	Imperial Camp (Before Doma is poisoned)
CB/0F2E: MAP	Imperial Camp: General Leo's scenes
CB/1032: MAP	Imperial Camp: Kefka's scenes
CB/1104: MAP	Imperial Camp (Before Doma is poisoned)
CB/1112: MAP	Imperial Camp (Before Doma is poisoned)
CB/1126: NPC	Imperial Camp: Kefka
CB/11CB: MAP	Imperial Camp (Before Doma is poisoned)
CB/11DA: MAP	Imperial Camp (Before Doma is poisoned)
CB/11E9: NPC	Imperial Camp: Imperial Soldier
CB/1283: MAP	Doma Castle: Cyan finds his family dead
CB/13B9: MAP	Imperial Camp (After Doma is poisoned)
CB/13EB: MAP	Imperial Camp: Cyan takes out the camp
CB/1483: NPC	Imperial Camp: Cyan "SABIN: May I give you a hand?!"
CB/1646: ???	Imperial Camp: Sabin decides to steal Magitek Armor
CB/16A2: MAP	Imperial Camp (After Doma is poisoned)
CB/16BF: MAP	Imperial Camp (After Doma is poisoned)
CB/18D9: MAP	Imperial Camp (After Doma is poisoned)
CB/16DC: MAP	Imperial Camp (After Doma is poisoned)
CB/1915: MAP	Imperial Camp (After Doma is poisoned)
CB/1935: MAP	Imperial Camp (After Doma is poisoned)
CB/1955: NPC	Imperial Camp: Imperial Soldier "End of the line!"
CB/1985: NPC	Imperial Camp: Imperial Soldier "End of the line!"
CB/19AF: NPC	Imperial Camp: Imperial Soldier "There's nowhere to run!"
CB/19E6: NPC	Imperial Camp: Imperial Soldier "Who said anything about running?!"
CB/1A11: MAP	Imperial Camp (After Doma is poisoned)
CB/1A1A: MAP	Imperial Camp (After Doma is poisoned)
CB/1A23: ???	Imperial Camp: Exit the camp
CB/1B0E: NPC	Blackjack, room where Setzer imprisons Celes: Setzer, Locke saves Celes
CB/2007: NPC	Blackjack, below decks: Setzer, party convinces Setzer to join the fight
CB/2029: NPC	Blackjack, below decks: tiny sparkles
CB/223D: NPC	Blackjack, below decks: Returner, shop
CB/2240: NPC	Blackjack, below decks: Young Man, refreshment
CB/224B: NPC	Blackjack, below decks: big sparkle
CB/23D8: NPC	Blackjack, below decks: Cid
CB/2562: NPC	Imperial Base near Sealed Gate: Empty
CB/2583: NPC	Imperial Base near Sealed Gate: Imperial Soldier, black (battle)
CB/258E: NPC	Imperial Base near Sealed Gate: Imperial Soldier (battle)
CB/2599: NPC	Imperial Base near Sealed Gate: Imperial Soldier, black (battle)
CB/25D6: MAP	 Imperial Base
CB/29F3: ENT	Blackjack: "The world is groaning in pain"
CB/2A9F: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Basement 1 (Lava colored)
CB/2ACA: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Small Lava Room with moving bridges
CB/2AE8: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Small Lava Room with moving bridges
CB/2B0F: ENT	Cave to the Sealed Gate, lava cave with moving bridges 
CB/2C6E: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Small Lava Room with moving bridges
CB/2C8C: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Small Lava Room with moving bridges
CB/2DBB: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Small Lava Room with moving bridges
CB/2DD2: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Small Lava Room with moving bridges
CB/2DE9: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Small Lava Room with moving bridges
CB/2DFA: SUB	clears general purpose event bits
CB/2E2B: SUB	disable party ability to pass through other objects.
CB/2E34: SUB	enable party ability to pass through other objects.
CB/2E3D: ENT	Cave to the Sealed Gate, big lava cave/ treasure cave/ cave before gate
CB/2F00: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Basement 1 (Lava colored)
CB/2F65: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Basement 1 (Lava colored)
CB/2FE7: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Basement 1 (Lava colored)
CB/3062: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Basement 1 (Lava colored)
CB/307E: NPC	Cave to the Sealed Gate, big lava cave: Pirate
CB/307E: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Basement 1 (Lava colored)
CB/30CF: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Basement 1 (Lava colored)
CB/30ED: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Basement 1 (Lava colored)
CB/310B: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Basement 1 (Lava colored)
CB/3129: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Basement 1 (Lava colored)
CB/3176: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Basement 1 (Lava colored)
CB/31F0: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Basement 1 (Lava colored)
CB/3251: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Basement 1 (Lava colored)
CB/328F: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Basement 1 (Lava colored)
CB/33C9: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Basement 1 (Lava colored)
CB/36B5: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Basement 1 (Lava colored)
CB/3804: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Basement 1 (Lava colored)
CB/3825: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Basement 1 (Lava colored)
CB/3846: MAP	 Cave to the Sealed Gate--Basement 1 (Lava colored)
CB/39BE: ENT	Cave to the Sealed Gate, sealed gate room 
CB/39CA: NPC	Cave to the Sealed Gate, sealed gate room: Imperial Soldiers
CB/39CA: MAP	 Sealed Gate
CB/3DCB: NPC	Cave to the Sealed Gate, big lava cave: Empty
CB/42B4: NPC	Blackjack, below decks: (party select) Terra
CB/42CC: NPC	Blackjack, below decks: (party select) Locke
CB/42E4: NPC	Blackjack, below decks: (party select) Cyan
CB/42FC: NPC	Blackjack, below decks: (party select) Shadow
CB/4314: NPC	Blackjack, below decks: (party select) Edgar
CB/432C: NPC	Blackjack, below decks: (party select) Sabin
CB/4344: NPC	Blackjack, below decks: (party select) Celes
CB/435C: NPC	Blackjack, below decks: (party select) Strago
CB/4374: NPC	Blackjack, below decks: (party select) Relm
CB/438C: NPC	Blackjack, below decks: (party select) Setzer
CB/43A4: NPC	Blackjack, below decks: (party select) Mog
CB/43BC: NPC	Blackjack, below decks: (party select) Gau
CB/43D4: NPC	Blackjack, below decks: (party select) Gogo
CB/43DC: NPC	Blackjack, below decks: (party select) Umaro
CB/43E4: ENT	Jidoor, outdoor
CB/4429: ENT	Jidoor, relic shop
CB/4434: ENT	Jidoor, armor shop
CB/443F: ENT	Jidoor, weapon shop
CB/444A: ENT	Jidoor, inn
CB/4460: NPC	Jidoor: Item salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CB/446C: NPC	Jidoor: Weapon salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CB/4478: NPC	Jidoor: Armor salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CB/4484: NPC	Jidoor: Relic salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CB/4490: NPC	Jidoor: Innkeeper, Young Man
CB/44CD: NPC	Jidoor: Chocobo jokey, Older Shopkeeper
CB/450C: NPC	Jidoor: Young Man   "This is Jiddor, the western .."
CB/4519: NPC	Jidoor: Young Man   "This region is very class-conscious."
CB/4531: NPC	Jidoor: Young Man   "The poor people have all left .."
CB/453F: NPC	Jidoor: Young Man   "Maria, the opera singer, is gorgeus!"
CB/4558: NPC	Jidoor: Young Girl  "I wanna be an opera singer .."
CB/4570: NPC	Jidoor: Young Woman "A girl wrappd in fire sped .."
CB/4592: NPC	Jidoor: Young Woman "To the north is the town of Zozo .."
CB/45A0: NPC	Jidoor: Older Shopkeeper "Lately I've seen a lot of carrier .."
CB/45A4: NPC	Jidoor: Young Man   "I saw the Emperor recently!"
CB/45A8: NPC	Jidoor: Young Man at Inn "Bunch o' liars up in Zozo!"
CB/45C5: NPC	Jidoor: auction house, Young Man   "you're not from around here!"
CB/45C9: NPC	Jidoor: auction house, Young Man   "I need something that will .."
CB/45D7: NPC	Jidoor: auction house, Young Man   "You like art?"
CB/45EF: NPC	Jidoor: auction house, Young Woman "You can get some priceless .."
CB/45F3: NPC	Jidoor: Young Man "Once in a while one of the idiots .."
CB/4604: ENT	Owzer's house, darkened basement rooms
CB/4776: MAP	Jidoor--Owzer's House: "Stay away"
CB/47AE: MAP	Jidoor--Owzer's House: "Picture of a lovely lady."
CB/47F4: MAP	Jidoor--Owzer's House: "A still-life of flowers."
CB/4844: MAP	Jidoor--Owzer's House: "This looks ancient"
CB/4850: MAP	Jidoor--Owzer's House: "Ah! Some armor."
CB/485C: MAP	Jidoor--Owzer's House: "A lamp, maybe?"
CB/4868: MAP	Jidoor--Owzer's House: "Looks like a treasure chest."
CB/4874: MAP	Jidoor--Owzer's House: "Picture of an old urn."
CB/4893: MAP	Jidoor--Owzer's House: Owzer's Diary "Read it? Yes / No"
CB/4930: MAP	Jidoor--Owzer's House:
CB/4962: MAP	Jidoor--Owzer's House (dimmed, enemies)
CB/49F3: NPC	Owzer's house: Old Woman
CB/4A4E: NPC	Owzer's house: ??
CB/4A8E: NPC	Owzer's house: ??
CB/4ACD: NPC	Owzer's house: ??
CB/4B0C: NPC	Owzer's house: ??
CB/4B50: MAP	Jidoor--Owzer's House
CB/4B86: MAP	Jidoor--Owzer's House (dimmed, enemies)
CB/4BB5: MAP	Jidoor--Owzer's House (dimmed, enemies)
CB/4BEA: MAP	Jidoor--Owzer's House (dimmed, enemies)
CB/4C47: MAP	Jidoor--Owzer's House (dimmed, enemies)
CB/4C94: MAP	Jidoor--Owzer's House (dimmed, enemies)
CB/4CA1: ENT	Owzer's house, Chadarnook's room
CB/4CE1: MAP	Jidoor--Owzer's House (dimmed, no enemies)
CB/4CFA: NPC	Owzer's house: Owzer
CB/4DC6: MAP	Jidoor--Owzer's House (dimmed, no enemies)
CB/4E2A: ENT	Jidoor, auction house
CB/4E35: NPC	Jidoor: auction house, Young Woman "There's nothing I can't buy!"
CB/4E43: NPC	Jidoor: auction house, Pirate "First time I've been here .."
CB/4E47: NPC	Jidoor: auction house, Older Shopkeeper "Bid on items!/Another time."
CB/5EC9: NPC	Jidoor: auction house, Young Man "Oh, how could I refuse .."
CB/5ED4: NPC	Jidoor: auction house, Young Boy "Papa! Let's buy lot's of stuff .."
CB/5EEC: ENT	Owzer's house, upper floor
CB/5F65: ENT	Gau's father's house, outdoors (WoR)
CB/5F68: ENT	Gau's father's house, indoors
CB/5F7B: MAP	 Albrook-Shops
CB/6828: NPC	Gau's father's house: Gau's Father "Are you the clockmaker?"
CB/6912: MAP	 Albrook-Shops
CB/6954: MAP	 Albrook-Shops
CB/6A2F: MAP	 Baren Falls--Cave
CB/6A4C: ENT	Cyan's Dream, cliffside & caves
CB/6AD3: ENT	Doma Castle, outdoors (during Imperial siege)
CB/6ABF: NPC	Phantom Train, dining car: Dog (also albrook docks dogs and Thamasa dogs)
CB/6E4B: MAP	Hidon's Cave
CB/6E58: MAP	Hidon's Cave
CB/6E63: MAP	Hidon's Cave
CB/6E6E: MAP	Hidon's Cave
CB/6E79: MAP	Hidon's Cave
CB/6E84: MAP	Hidon's Cave
CB/6E8F: MAP	Hidon's Cave
CB/6E9A: MAP	Hidon's Cave
CB/6EA5: MAP	Hidon's Cave
CB/6EB0: MAP	Hidon's Cave
CB/6EBB: MAP	Hidon's Cave
CB/6EC6: MAP	Hidon's Cave
CB/6ED7: MAP	Hidon's Cave
CB/70C7: NPC	Ebot's Rock, entrance: Empty, Greedy Chest "I like to eat Coral!"
CB/71D2: NPC	Ebot's Rock, entrance: Hideon, battle and scene
CB/73FE: NPC	Thamasa: Gungho "Eveything okay?" / "Hidon's appeared at Ebot's Rock again!"
CB/7414: NPC	Thamasa: Gungho at Strago's house "Oooh… cough, cough…"
CB/7446: NPC	Ebot's Rock: Empty
CB/7459: NPC	Ebot's Rock: Empty
CB/746C: NPC	Ebot's Rock: Empty
CB/747F: NPC	Ebot's Rock: Empty
CB/7492: NPC	Ebot's Rock: Empty
CB/74B2: ENT	Ebot's Rock, misc caves
CB/74FD: ENT	Ebot's Rock, entrance / hungry chest and Hidon / save point
CB/755E: NPC	Thamasa: Empty
CB/756E: NPC	Thamasa: Pirate
CB/75BF: MAP	Thamasa (WoR): (step back if following scene not available)
CB/75D5: MAP	Thamasa (WoR): Relm / Strago / Gungho scene, Back to Thamasa
CB/77C8: NPC	Thamasa: Gungho "I am Gungho."
CB/7854: NPC	House at Dragon's Neck: WoB Colosseum builder "We can't let the world become too peaceful!"
CB/7858: NPC	Colosseum: Strago / Colosseum builder "This is my colosseum." 
CB/7864: NPC	Colosseum: Older Shopkeeper, Inn      "400 GP per night." 
CB/78A5: NPC	Colosseum: Older Shopkeeper           "Creatures from all over the world come here to compete."
CB/78A9: NPC	Colosseum: Pirate   "Get a load of the crowds!"
CB/78AD: NPC	Colosseum: Pirate   "There's some guy here who's dressed all in black!"
CB/78B7: NPC	Colosseum: Pirate   "The more precious the item wagered, the better your prize will be!"
CB/78BB: NPC	Colosseum: Pirate   "Battles at the colosseum are one-on-one."
CB/78BF: NPC	Colosseum: Some guy "This is Dragon's Neck Colosseum."
CB/78C3: NPC	Colosseum: Some guy "Care to fight in the colosseum? *OPTIONS*"
CB/797E: NPC	Colosseum: Sigfried "Someone's been pretending to be me!"
CB/797A: NPC	Colosseum: Ultros   "Look at me! I'm a receptionist!"
CB/7982: ENT	Cave on the Veldt
CB/799F: MAP	Cave in the Veldt
CB/79E6: MAP	Cave in the Veldt
CB/7A18: MAP	Cave in the Veldt
CB/7CF8: NPC	Cave on the Veldt: Pirate "For some reason he never came near when all 4 of us were together."
CB/7CFC: NPC	Cave on the Veldt: Pirate "We 3 recently went hunting on the Veldt."
CB/7D00: NPC	Cave on the Veldt: Pirate "In a forest north of the Veldt dwells a frightful dragon."
CB/7D04: NPC	Cave on the Veldt: Pirate "Reduce the number of people in your party if ..."
CB/7D08: NPC	Thamasa (WoR): Shadow at Strago's house (after being found in cave)
CB/7D1C: NPC	Thamasa (WoR):   Relm at Strago's house (after being found in cave)
CB/7D5C: MAP	Thamasa (WoR): Leaving Thamasa allows Shadow or Relm to recover from their wounds
CB/7D9D: MAP	 Gogo's Lair, entrance, the place Zone Eater sucks you into
CB/7E4C: MAP	 Gogo's Lair, entrance, the place Zone Eater sucks you into
CB/7E63: MAP	 Gogo's Lair, entrance, the place Zone Eater sucks you into
CB/7E7A: MAP	 Gogo's Lair, entrance, the place Zone Eater sucks you into
CB/7E91: MAP	 Gogo's Lair, entrance, the place Zone Eater sucks you into
CB/7EA8: MAP	 Gogo's Lair, entrance, the place Zone Eater sucks you into
CB/7EB1: MAP	 ??
CB/7ED2: MAP	 ??
CB/7F01: MAP	 ??
CB/7F22: MAP	 ??
CB/7F51: MAP	 ??
CB/7F72: MAP	 ??
CB/7F93: MAP	 ??
CB/7FB4: MAP	 ??
CB/7FD5: MAP	 ??
CB/7FF6: MAP	 ??
CB/8062: MAP	 Gogo's Lair, entrance, the place Zone Eater sucks you into
CB/807E: MAP	 ??
CB/809A: MAP	 ??
CB/80A9: MAP	 ??
CB/80B8: MAP	 ??
CB/81A2: MAP	 ??
CB/81AB: MAP	 ??
CB/81B4: MAP	 ??
CB/81BD: MAP	 ??
CB/81C6: NPC	Gogo's Lair: Gogo
CB/8251: NPC	Gogo's Lair: Guy in a Shriner's Hat
CB/8274: ENT	Cyan's Dream, Doma Castle outdoors
CB/827D: MAP	 Doma Castle-inner rooms
CB/8496: ENT	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs
CB/866F: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Terra
CB/86A0: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Locke
CB/86D1: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Shadow
CB/8702: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Edgar
CB/8733: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Sabin
CB/8764: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Celes
CB/8795: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Strago
CB/87C6: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Relm
CB/87F7: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Setzer
CB/8828: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Mog
CB/8859: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Gau
CB/888A: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Gogo
CB/88BB: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Umaro
CB/88EC: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Terra
CB/891D: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Locke
CB/894E: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Shadow
CB/897F: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Edgar
CB/89B0: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Sabin
CB/89E1: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Celes
CB/8A12: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Strago
CB/8A43: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Relm
CB/8A74: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Setzer
CB/8AA5: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Mog
CB/8AD6: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Gau
CB/8B07: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Gogo
CB/8B38: NPC	Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs: Umaro
CB/8B69: MAP	 Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs
CB/8B83: MAP	 Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs
CB/8BAA: MAP	 Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs
CB/8BD1: MAP	 Cyan's Dream, psychedelic stairs
CB/8C77: ENT	Cyan's Dream, Phantom Train exterior 
CB/8CA7: ENT	Cyan's Dream, Phantom Train first seating car
CB/8CD7: ENT	Cyan's Dream, Phantom Train second dining car
CB/8DC3: MAP	 Switch car from Cyan's dream
CB/8E1D: MAP	 Switch car from Cyan's dream
CB/8E7D: MAP	 Switch car from Cyan's dream
CB/8EC1: MAP	 Switch car from Cyan's dream
CB/8F17: MAP	 Phantom Train--Switch car, from Cyan's dream
CB/8F41: MAP	 Phantom Train--Switch car, from Cyan's dream
CB/8F6B: MAP	 Phantom Train--Switch car, from Cyan's dream
CB/8F95: MAP	 Phantom Train--Switch car, from Cyan's dream
CB/8FBF: MAP	 Phantom Train--Switch car, from Cyan's dream
CB/8FE9: MAP	 Phantom Train--Switch car, from Cyan's dream
CB/909F: ENT	Cyan's Dream, Phantom Train first dining car
CB/911A: MAP	 Phantom Train--Switch car, from Cyan's dream
CB/91AA: MAP	 Phantom Train--Switch car, from Cyan's dream
CB/91B6: MAP	 Phantom Train--Switch car, from Cyan's dream
CB/91F0: MAP	 Phantom Train--Switch car, from Cyan's dream
CB/921D: MAP	 Phantom Train--Switch car, from Cyan's dream
CB/924A: MAP	 Phantom Train--Switch car, from Cyan's dream
CB/926C: MAP	 Phantom Train--Switch car, from Cyan's dream
CB/9297: MAP	 Phantom Train--Switch car, from Cyan's dream
CB/9330: MAP	 Phantom Train--Switch car, from Cyan's dream
CB/9335: MAP	 Phantom Train, exterior (Cyan's Dream)
CB/93AB: MAP	 Phantom Train--Save point
CB/93B8: MAP	 Phantom Train, exterior (Cyan's Dream)
CB/94A1: MAP	 Mines from Cyan's dream
CB/94B2: MAP	 Mountain Cliff from Cyan's dream
CB/94E7: MAP	 Mountain Cliff from Cyan's dream
CB/95F3: MAP	 Doma Castle-dimmed with enemies (from Cyan's dream)
CB/9643: MAP	 Doma Castle-dimmed with enemies (from Cyan's dream)
CB/96C3: MAP	 Doma Castle-dimmed rooms with enemies (from Cyan's dream)
CB/97AA: MAP	 Doma Castle-dimmed rooms with enemies (from Cyan's dream)
CB/97B1: MAP	 Doma Castle-dimmed rooms with enemies (from Cyan's dream)
CB/97B8: MAP	 Doma Castle-dimmed rooms with enemies (from Cyan's dream)
CB/97BF: MAP	 Doma Castle-dimmed rooms with enemies (from Cyan's dream)
CB/97C6: MAP	 Doma Castle-dimmed rooms with enemies (from Cyan's dream)
CB/97CE: MAP	 Doma Castle-dimmed rooms with enemies (from Cyan's dream)
CB/97D6: MAP	 Doma Castle-dimmed rooms with enemies (from Cyan's dream)
CB/97A1: ENT	Cyan's Dream, Doma Castle all rooms
CB/9A7A: NPC	Doma Castle: Empty "Receive Alexander magicite"
CB/9E90: MAP	Doma Castle-from poison scene?
CB/9E98: NPC	Doma Castle: Doma Sentry   "Sir CYAN! Let their commander have it!"
CB/9E9C: MAP	Doma Castle-from poison scene?
CB/9EB5: NPC	Doma Castle: Fight with Imperial Soldier commander (sabin's scenario)
CB/9FFB: NPC 	Doma Castle: Fight with Imperial Soldier A (sabin's scenario)
CB/A007: NPC 	Doma Castle: Fight with Imperial Soldier B (sabin's scenario)
CB/A013: NPC 	Doma Castle: Fight with Imperial Soldier C (sabin's scenario)
CB/A01F: NPC 	Doma Castle: Fight with Imperial Soldier D (sabin's scenario)
CB/A02B: NPC 	Doma Castle: Fight with Imperial Soldier E (sabin's scenario)
CB/A037: NPC 	Doma Castle: Fight with Imperial Soldier F (sabin's scenario)
CB/A043: NPC 	Doma Castle: Fight with Imperial Soldier G (sabin's scenario)
CB/A04F: NPC 	Doma Castle: Fight with Imperial Soldier H (sabin's scenario)
CB/A05B: NPC 	Doma Castle: Fight with Imperial Soldier I (sabin's scenario)
CB/A067: NPC 	Doma Castle: Fight with Imperial Soldier J (sabin's scenario)
CB/A073: NPC 	Doma Castle: Fight with Imperial Soldier K (sabin's scenario)
CB/A07F: ENT	Doma Castle, outdoors (WoB/WoR)
CB/A0B7: ENT	Doma Castle, all rooms except Cyan's 
CB/A0C0: ENT	Doma Castle, Cyan's room
CB/A0C5: MAP	Doma Castle-inner rooms
CB/A0D2: MAP	Doma Castle-inner rooms
CB/A0DF: MAP	Doma Castle-inner rooms
CB/A29F: MAP	Doma Castle-inner rooms
CB/A37E: NPC	Doma Castle: King dead
CB/A395: MAP	Doma Castle-inner rooms
CB/A382: NPC	Doma Castle: Doma Sentry "To the king, on the double!"
CB/A386: NPC	Doma Castle: Doma Sentry "We're through."
CB/A3C0: NPC	Doma Castle: Imperial Soldier (after poisoning)
CB/A3C4: MAP	Phantom Forest--Exit: Enter trainplatform
CB/A3E4: MAP	Recovery Spring (heal & flash) (Phantom Forest)
CB/A3D1: MAP	Phantom Forest--Recovery Spring
CB/A3F9: MAP	Phantom Forest--Recovery Spring
CB/A406: MAP	Phantom Train: (after detaching rear cars/Engine room/Seating car 2/Save point) - Save Point
CB/A412: ENT	Departure platform for Phantom Train (train waits for our heros)
CB/A4B4: ENT	Arrival platform for Phantom Train (train is gone, Cyan is sad)
CB/A545: ENT	Phantom Train, exterior (before detaching rear cars)
CB/A553: ENT	Phantom Train, first 3 seating cars
CB/A593: ENT	Phantom Train, caboose inner room and engine room (inc. Cyan's Dream)
CB/A5A6: ENT	Phantom Train, seating car with detachment switch
CB/A5BC: ENT	Phantom Train, suite rooms and save point car (inc. Cyan's Dream)
CB/A5E5: MAP	Phantom Train, exterior (before detaching rear cars)
CB/A5F9: MAP	 Phantom Train, exterior (before detaching rear cars)
CB/A60E: MAP	 Phantom Train, exterior (before detaching rear cars)
CB/A623: MAP	 Phantom Train, exterior (before detaching rear cars)
CB/A638: MAP	 Phantom Train, exterior (before detaching rear cars)
CB/A63F: MAP	 Phantom Train, exterior (after detaching rear cars)
CB/A64E: MAP	 Phantom Train, exterior (after detaching rear cars)
CB/A65D: MAP	 Phantom Train, exterior (after detaching rear cars)
CB/A66C: MAP	 Phantom Train, exterior (after detaching rear cars)
CB/A67D: MAP	 Phantom Train, exterior (before detaching rear cars)
CB/A694: MAP	 Phantom Train, exterior (after detaching rear cars)
CB/A6A5: MAP	 Phantom Train, exterior (after detaching rear cars)
CB/A6BD: MAP	 Phantom Train--Rroom car 1
CB/A6CA: MAP	 Phantom Train--Rroom car 1
CB/A6E5: MAP	 Phantom Train, exterior (before detaching rear cars)
CB/A6F7: MAP	 Phantom Train, exterior (before detaching rear cars)
CB/A709: MAP	 Phantom Train, exterior (before detaching rear cars)
CB/A792: MAP	 Phantom Train--Seating car 2
CB/A7B1: MAP	 Phantom Train--Rroom car 1
CB/A7C6: MAP	 Phantom Train--Rroom car 1
CB/A808: MAP	 Phantom Train--Engine room
CB/A81E: MAP	 Phantom Train--Save point room
CB/A825: MAP	 Phantom Train--Save point room
CB/A839: MAP	 Phantom Train--Save point room
CB/A852: MAP	 ??
CB/A864: MAP	 ??
CB/A8E7: MAP	 ??
CB/A8F1: MAP	 ??
CB/AA26: MAP	 Phantom Train--Seating car
CB/AAAF: MAP	 Phantom Train--Seating car
CB/AAC4: MAP	 Phantom Train--Seating car
CB/AADD: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost (recruitable)
CB/AAE8: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost (recruitable)
CB/AAF3: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost (recruitable)
CB/AAFE: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost (recruitable)
CB/AB09: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost (recruitable)
CB/AB14: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost (recruitable)
CB/ACFE: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost (battle)
CB/AD05: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost (battle)
CB/AD0C: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost (battle)
CB/AD13: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost (battle)
CB/AD1A: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost (battle)
CB/AD21: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost (battle)
CB/AD28: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost (battle)
CB/AD2F: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost (battle)
CB/AD36: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost (battle)
CB/AD3D: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost (battle)
CB/AD44: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost (shop)
CB/AD52: MAP	 Phantom Train, exterior (after detaching rear cars)
CB/AEE3: NPC	Phantom Train: Train Conductor
CB/AEF5: MAP	 Phantom Train--Engine room
CB/AF12: MAP	 Phantom Train--Engine room
CB/B010: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost "Please order at the table"
CB/B014: MAP	 Phantom Train--Dining car
CB/B265: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost "N.o. e.s.c.a.p.e!" (repeated long)
CB/B399: MAP	 Phantom Train--Seating car
CB/B3B8: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost (battle)
CB/B3C0: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost (battle)
CB/B3C7: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost (battle)
CB/B3CE: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost (battle)
CB/B3D5: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghost (battle)
CB/B3E2: NPC	Phantom Train: Ghosts "N.o. e.s.c.a.p.e!"
CB/B3E6: MAP	 Phantom Train, exterior (before detaching rear cars)
CB/B4D5: MAP	 Phantom Train, exterior (before detaching rear cars)
CB/B5B6: MAP	 Phantom Train, exterior (before detaching rear cars)
CB/B645: MAP	 Phantom Train--Seating car 2
CB/B7F8: MAP	 Phantom Train--Save point
CB/B90A: NPC	Phantom Train: Impresario "Wanna stop the train? just us the .."
CB/B94A: MAP	 Phantom Train--Engine room
CB/B972: MAP	 Phantom Train--Engine room
CB/B99A: MAP	 Phantom Train--Engine room
CB/B9C2: MAP	 Phantom Train--Engine room
CB/B9D4: MAP	 Phantom Train, exterior (after detaching rear cars)
CB/BE99: NPC	Phantom Train, arrival platform: Cyan
CB/BE9F: NPC	Phantom Train, arrival platform: Shadow
CB/BEF1: MAP	 Baren Falls--Cliff
CB/BF09: MAP	 Baren Falls--Cliff
CB/BF23: MAP	 Baren Falls--Cliff
CB/BF3D: MAP	 Baren Falls--Cliff
CB/BF57: MAP	 Baren Falls--Cliff
CB/BF71: MAP	 Baren Falls--Cliff
CB/BF8B: MAP	 Baren Falls--Cliff
CB/C027: MAP	 Baren Falls--Cliff
CB/C03F: MAP	 Baren Falls--Cliff
CB/C20A: ENT	Baren Falls, cave passageway
CB/C20F: ENT	Baren Falls, waterfall overlook (including ending)
CB/C214: MAP	 Baren Falls--Cave
CB/C219: ENT	Crescent Mountain, caves
CB/C21E: MAP	Mt. Crescent
CB/C223: MAP	Baren Falls--Cliff  and  River leading to Serpent Trench
CB/C228: MAP	Mt. Crescent
CB/C35A: MAP	Mt. Crescent
CB/C3D2: MAP	Mt. Crescent
CB/C49F: MAP	Mt. Crescent
CB/C5FB: MAP	Mt. Crescent
CB/C84D: MAP	River leading to Serpent Trench
CB/C87A: MAP	Albrook--Docks
CB/CB74: MAP	Albrook--Docks
CB/CBA0: ENT	Albrook, docks / Magitek ship at sea
CB/CBDE: MAP	Albrook--Docks
CB/CC48: NPC	Albrook, docks: Imperial Soldier  "Stay clear of the engine room. It's dangerous."
CB/CC4C: NPC	Albrook, docks: Imperial Soldier  "General Leo's holding a meeting."
CB/CC50: NPC	Albrook, docks: Imperial Soldier  "The Magitek Armor's being refurbished."
CB/CC5A: NPC	Albrook, docks: Imperial Soldier  "Once we find an Esper, we'll be able to restore peace!"
CB/CC5E: NPC	Albrook, docks: Imperial Soldier  "General Leo's waiting for you."
CB/CC68: NPC	Albrook, docks: Imperial Soldier  "Stay clear of the engine room. It's dangerous."
CB/CC72: NPC	Albrook, docks: Imperial Soldier  "Rumor has it that the power of magic still exists"
CB/CC84: NPC	Albrook, docks: General Leo
CB/CE26: NPC	Albrook, docks: Shadow
CB/CE2A: NPC	Albrook, docks: Shadow
CB/CEFC: NPC	Albrook, docks: General Leo
CB/D1F3: NPC	Albrook, docks: General Leo
CB/D209: NPC	Albrook, docks: Locke
CB/D2EE: MAP	WoB: Thamasa, evening event
CB/D30F: MAP	Thamasa, EXIT Arsenal
CB/D336: MAP	Thamasa, EXIT Arsenal
CB/D35D: MAP	Thamasa, EXIT Inn
CB/D384: MAP	Thamasa, EXIT Item Shop
CB/D3AB: MAP	Thamasa, EXIT Elder's House
CB/D3F3: MAP	Thamasa, EXIT ??
CB/D41A: ENT	Thamasa, outdoors (WoB pre-Espers/Shadow's last dream/"That evening")
CB/D68E: ENT	Thamasa, arsenal
CB/D6A3: ENT	Thamasa, inn
CB/D6B8: ENT	Thamasa, item shop
CB/D6CD: ENT	Thamasa, elder's house
CB/D6E2: ENT	Thamasa, both floors of Strago's house
CB/D6F7: ENT	Thamasa, relic shop
CB/D712: NPC	Thamasa: Shops & Inn (WoB)
CB/D712: NPC	Thamasa: Weapon salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CB/D721: NPC	Thamasa: Armor salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CB/D730: NPC	Thamasa: Item salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CB/D73F: NPC 	Thamasa: Innkeeper, Older Shopkeeper
CB/D79D: NPC	Thamasa: Relic salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CB/D7E5: NPC	Thamasa: Townspeople (WoB)
CB/D7E5: NPC	Thamasa (WoB): Young Men 
CB/D805: NPC	Thamasa (WoB): Town Elder, Old Man
CB/D81F: NPC	Thamasa (WoB): Young Woman
CB/D833: NPC	Thamasa (WoB): Young Man
CB/D853: NPC	Thamasa (WoB): Young Boy
CB/D88B: NPC	Thamasa: Old Woman in item shop
CB/D89F: MAP	Thamasa--World of Balance
CB/D8F9: MAP	Thamasa--World of Balance
CB/D982: NPC	Thamasa: Strago at home
CB/DCB3: NPC	Thamasa: Strago at Inn
CB/DCB7: NPC	Thamasa: Relm at Strago's house
CB/DCBB: NPC	Thamasa: Relm at Strago's house
CB/DCC3: NPC	Thamasa: Relm at Strago's house
CB/DE30: NPC	Thamasa (WoB): Strago
CB/E5CB: ENT	Thamasa, inside the burning house
CB/E5E4: MAP	Thamasa--Burning House
CB/E622: MAP	Thamasa--Burning House
CB/E6CB: NPC	Thamasa: Flame A inside burning house (battle)
CB/E6D8: NPC	Thamasa: Flame B inside burning house (battle)
CB/E6E5: NPC	Thamasa: Flame C inside burning house (battle)
CB/E6F2: NPC	Thamasa: Flame D inside burning house (battle)
CB/E6FF: NPC	Thamasa: Flame E inside burning house (battle)
CB/E70C: NPC	Thamasa: Flame F inside burning house (battle)
CB/E719: NPC	Thamasa: Flame G inside burning house (battle)
CB/E726: NPC	Thamasa: Flame H inside burning house (battle)
CB/E733: NPC	Thamasa: Flame I inside burning house (battle)
CB/E740: NPC	Thamasa: Flame J inside burning house (battle)
CB/E74D: NPC	Thamasa: Flame K inside burning house (battle)
CB/E75A: NPC	Thamasa: Flame L inside burning house (battle)
CB/E767: MAP	Thamasa--Burning House
CB/EC92: MAP	Thamasa, both floors of Strago's house
CB/EE62: MAP	Cave near Thamasa, Esper room
CB/EE71: MAP	Cave near Thamasa, Esper room
CB/EE80: MAP	Cave near Thamasa, Esper room
CB/EE8F: MAP	Cave near Thamasa, Esper room
CB/EEBE: MAP	Cave near Thamasa, Esper room
CB/EEEC: MAP	Cave near Thamasa, Esper room
CB/EF1B: MAP	Cave near Thamasa, Esper room
CB/EF43: MAP	Cave near Thamasa, outside cliffs, left
CB/EF71: MAP	Cave near Thamasa, Esper room
CB/EFA5: MAP	Cave near Thamasa, with the Three Statues
CB/F168: MAP	Cave near Thamasa, with the Three Statues
CB/F29A: NPC	Espers' Gathering Place: Statue
CB/F296: NPC	Espers' Gathering Place: Statue
CB/F29E: NPC	Espers' Gathering Place: Empty
CB/F2A2: ENT	Espers' Gathering Place, most caves 
CB/F2B1: ENT	Floating Island, outdoors, without background clouds (end of the WoB)
CB/F2B5: MAP	Cave near Thamasa, Esper room
CB/FF70: ENT	Thamasa, outdoors (WoB, after Leo dies / WoR, Relm and Gungho talk)
CB/FFA6: ENT	Thamasa, outdoors (WoB, during Esper visit and Kefka scenes)
CB/FFF4: NPC	Thamasa: Kefka
CC/0942: NPC	Thamasa: Imperial Soldier
CC/094C: NPC	Thamasa: Imperial Soldier
CC/0956: NPC	Thamasa: Imperial Soldier
CC/0977: MAP	Thamasa--World of Balance
CC/0983: NPC	Thamasa: Young Man
CC/098D: NPC	Thamasa: Young Boy
CC/0997: NPC	Thamasa: Young Woman
CC/09A1: NPC	Thamasa: Mayor of Thamasa
CC/0A22: SUB	Narshe, lower town
CC/0A9E: NPC	Narshe, lower town (WoR): Empty
CC/0AAE: NPC	Narshe, lower town (WoR): Empty
CC/0ABE: NPC	Narshe, lower town (WoR): Empty
CC/0ACE: NPC	Narshe, lower town (WoR): Empty
CC/0ADE: NPC	Narshe, lower town (WoR): Empty
CC/0AEE: NPC	Narshe, lower town (WoR): Empty
CC/0B1E: NPC	Narshe: Old Man in weapon shop
CC/0B70: NPC	Narshe, inside: Old Man, Arvis?
CC/0B8C: ENT	Duncan's hidden house, indoors
CC/0BD4: NPC	Duncan's hidden house: Duncan Harcourt "Look out! Move!"
CC/0F4C: NPC	Duncan's hidden house: Duncan Harcourt "Cough, wheeze, Don't worry about me! Go!"
CC/0FF6: SUB	EXIT Kefka's Domain with Warp Stone
CC/1001: SUB	?
CC/1008: MAP	 Kefka's Domain--Main Area
CC/1012: MAP	 Kefka's Domain
CC/101C: MAP	 Kefka's Domain
CC/1023: MAP	 Kefka's Domain--Main Area
CC/102A: MAP	 Kefka's Domain--Main Area
CC/1031: MAP	 Kefka's Domain
CC/1038: MAP	 Kefka's Domain--Main Area
CC/103F: MAP	 Kefka's Domain--Main Area
CC/1046: MAP	 Kefka's Domain--Main Area
CC/104D: ENT	Kefka's Tower, second group metal area (door in mid-air) 
CC/1137: ENT	Kefka's Tower, Gold Drgn's room
CC/1141: ENT	Kefka's Tower, Skull Drgn / Goddess / hallways before weights room 
CC/114E: ENT	Kefka's Tower, decision point and Doom's room  
CC/1198: ENT	Kefka's Tower, exterior 
CC/11D2: ENT	Kefka's Tower, Guardian's room
CC/11D6: ENT	Kefka's Tower, prison 
CC/11EB: ENT	Kefka's Tower, switches and weights room 
CC/12FF: ENT	Kefka's Tower, switchd platform factory area
CC/1326: MAP	 ??
CC/135C: MAP	 ??
CC/1398: MAP	 Kefka's Domain
CC/13C6: MAP	 Kefka's Domain
CC/1418: MAP	 ??
CC/1447: MAP	 ??
CC/1480: MAP	 Kefka's Domain--Main Area
CC/1493: MAP	 Kefka's Domain--Main Area
CC/14AF: MAP	 Kefka's Domain--Room with Weights and Switches
CC/14BE: MAP	 Kefka's Domain--Room with Weights and Switches
CC/14F0: NPC	Kefka's Tower, switches and weights room: Empty
CC/14F4: NPC	Kefka's Tower, switches and weights room: 4-Ton Weight
CC/1548: NPC	Kefka's Tower, switches and weights room: 4-Ton Weight
CC/1598: MAP	 ??
CC/15B2: MAP	 ??
CC/15CC: MAP	 ??
CC/1698: MAP	 ??
CC/16AC: MAP	 Kefka's Domain--Room with Weights and Switches
CC/16D6: MAP	 ??
CC/1716: MAP	 Kefka's Domain--Goddess room, etc.
CC/174F: MAP	 Kefka's Domain--Main Area
CC/1803: MAP	 ?? and Kefka's Domain--Pipe Room
CC/1815: MAP	 ?? and Kefka's Domain--Pipe Room
CC/1827: MAP	 ??
CC/1872: MAP	 Kefka's Domain
CC/18D9: NPC	Kefka's Tower: Golden Dragon (battle)
CC/18B4: NPC	Kefka's Tower: Atma (battle)
CC/1906: NPC	Kefka's Tower: Skull Dragon (battle)
CC/1933: ENT	Kefka's Tower, teleporters to Kefka
CC/193F: MAP	 Kefka's Tower, teleporters to Kefka
CC/19EF: ENT	Ancient Castle, exterior 
CC/19F5: ENT	Ancient Castle, all rooms except library and baement
CC/19FD: ENT	Ancient Castle, library / basement
CC/1A41: MAP	Ancient Castle--Entrance
CC/1A54: MAP	Ancient Castle--Entrance
CC/1A60: MAP	Ancient Castle--Entrance
CC/1EA5: NPC	Ancient Castle: Gain Odin magicite
CC/1EDE: NPC	Ancient Castle: Queen's Diary
CC/1F49: NPC	Ancient Castle: Queen statue, "Even the Queen was turned to stone" 
CC/1F8B: MAP	Ancient Castle--Basement 1
CC/2048: NPC	Phoenix Cave: Dragon (battle)
CC/205B: NPC	Ancient Castle: Dragon (battle)
CC/206E: ENT	Phoenix Cave, outside entrance
CC/20E5: MAP	Phoenix Cave, outside entrance
CC/216F: MAP	Phoenix Cave, downstairs (Small Lava Room)
CC/2191: MAP	Phoenix Cave, downstairs (Small Lava Room)
CC/21B1: MAP	Phoenix Cave, downstairs (Small Lava Room)
CC/21D1: MAP	Phoenix Cave, downstairs (Small Lava Room)
CC/21FB: MAP	Phoenix Cave, downstairs (Small Lava Room)
CC/215E: MAP	Phoenix Cave, downstairs (Small Lava Room)
CC/2225: MAP	Phoenix Cave, downstairs (Small Lava Room)
CC/223F: MAP	Phoenix Cave, downstairs (Small Lava Room)
CC/2259: MAP	Phoenix Cave, downstairs (Small Lava Room)
CC/2279: MAP	Phoenix Cave, downstairs (Small Lava Room)
CC/2299: MAP	Phoenix Cave, downstairs (Small Lava Room)
CC/22B7: MAP	Phoenix Cave, downstairs (Small Lava Room)
CC/22D5: MAP	Phoenix Cave, downstairs (Small Lava Room)
CC/22F1: MAP	Phoenix Cave, downstairs (Small Lava Room)
CC/238D: MAP	Phoenix Cave, downstairs (Small Lava Room)
CC/23AF: MAP	Phoenix Cave, downstairs (Small Lava Room)
CC/23D1: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/23DC: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/23E7: ENT	Phoenix Cave, downstairs
CC/243C: ENT	Phoenix Cave, upstairs
CC/2705: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/2729: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/274D: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/2771: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/2795: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/27A4: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/27B3: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/280E: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/284B: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/286A: MAP	Phoenix Cave, downstairs (Small Lava Room)
CC/288A: MAP	Phoenix Cave, downstairs (Small Lava Room)
CC/28C9: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/28D8: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/28E7: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/290B: MAP	Phoenix Cave, downstairs (Small Lava Room)
CC/2934: MAP	Phoenix Cave, downstairs (Small Lava Room)
CC/2945: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/2954: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/2963: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/2987: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/29AB: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/29CF: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/29F7: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/2A1F: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/2AAC: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/2AF0: MAP	Phoenix Cave--Top Level
CC/2B34: MAP	Phoenix Cave, downstairs (Small Lava Room)
CC/2B43: MAP	Phoenix Cave, downstairs (Small Lava Room)
CC/3300: NPC	Kohlingen, crazy man's house: Old Man "Heard about Exp. Egg?"
CC/3304: NPC	Hidden chocobo stables, indoors: Old Shopkeeper
CC/338B: NPC	Hidden chocobo stables, indoors: Chocobo Tweet
CC/338F: MAP	Hidden chocobo stables, indoors: exit to outdoors (also for houses in South Figaro)
CC/339C: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House: Scholar
CC/33AA: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House: Scholar
CC/33AE: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House: Empty
CC/33B8: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House: Scholar standing outside
CC/33E1: NPC	Beginner's House, east: Scholar
CC/33E8: NPC	Beginner's House, east: Scholar
CC/33EC: NPC	Beginner's House, east: Scholar
CC/33F0: NPC	Beginner's House, east: Scholar
CC/33F4: NPC	Beginner's House, east: Scholar
CC/33FB: NPC	Beginner's House, east: Scholar
CC/33FF: NPC	Beginner's House, east: Scholar
CC/3403: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House: Scholar
CC/3407: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House, middle: Scholar
CC/340B: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House, middle: Scholar
CC/340F: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House, middle: Scholar
CC/3413: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House, middle: Scholar
CC/3417: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House, middle: Scholar
CC/341B: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House, middle: Scholar
CC/341F: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House, middle: Scholar
CC/3423: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House, middle: Scholar
CC/350C: ENT	Narshe, Beginner's House middle classroom
CC/3510: NPC	Old Man "Unequip some party members?" (Falcon, below decks, Kohlingen WoR)
CC/3677: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House, west: Scholar
CC/3686: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House, west: Scholar
CC/368A: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House, west: Scholar
CC/368E: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House, west: Scholar
CC/3692: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House, west: Scholar
CC/3696: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House, west: Scholar
CC/369A: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House, west: Scholar
CC/369E: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House: Scholar
CC/36A2: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House, west: Scholar
CC/36A6: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House: Ghost (also ghost in zozo)
CC/36B5: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House, west: Scholar
CC/36B9: NPC	Narshe, Beginner's House, west: Scholar
CC/36BD: ENT	Narshe, lower/upper town (WoR)
CC/36DF: NPC	Narshe, hills maze (WoR): Dragon
CC/36F2: MAP	 Narshe (WoR)
CC/3719: MAP	Narshe: Esper unfrozen at mountaintop
CC/37AC: ENT	Narshe, hills maze (WoR)
CC/37E7: MAP	Narshe: Escape through the rift
CC/3839: MAP	 Umaro's Cave, Umaro's Lair
CC/386B: ENT	Narshe: upper town (WoB)
CC/388F: MAP	 Narshe (WoR)
CC/38BE: MAP	 Narshe-Weapon Shop
CC/38CB: MAP	 Narshe-Armor Shop
CC/38D8: MAP	 Narshe-Armor Shop
CC/38E5: MAP	 Narshe-Item Shop
CC/38F2: MAP	 Narshe-Relic Shop
CC/38FF: MAP	 Narshe-Inn
CC/390C: MAP	 Narshe-Elder's House
CC/3919: MAP	 Narshe-Elder's House
CC/3926: MAP	 Narshe-Elder's House
CC/3933: MAP	 Narshe-Elder's House
CC/3940: MAP	 ??: to Narshe (WoR)
CC/394D: MAP	 Narshe-Elder's House
CC/395A: ENT	Narshe: Enter building
CC/396C: NPC	Narshe, moogle cave (WoR): Mog
CC/3AF8: NPC	Colosseum: Imperial Trooper
CC/3AFC: ENT	Kohlingen, outdoors (WoR / ending)
CC/3B11: NPC	Mt. Zozo: Cyan
CC/3BA2: NPC	Kohlingen (WoR): Narshe Guard "Narshe is filled with monsters .."
CC/3BC4: NPC	Kohlingen (WoR): Young Girl "But I refuse to give up!"
CC/3BC8: NPC	Kohlingen (WoR): Young Woman "LOCKE just left here a while ago. He .."
CC/3BCC: NPC	Kohlingen (WoR): Old Woman "There's a real mean guy fighting at .."
CC/3BDA: NPC	Kohlingen (WoR): Young Woman "A handsome man with a quaint way of .."
CC/3BDE: NPC	Kohlingen (WoR): Old Man "There's still some people with vision .."
CC/3BE2: MAP	 Kohlingen--World of Ruin
CC/3D73: NPC	Maranda, lola's house: Lola?, Young Woman
CC/3E00: NPC	Maranda, lola's house: Envelope
CC/3E41: NPC	Flower bouquet: "Silk flowers. Beutifully made too"
CC/3FA7: MAP	 Mt. Zozo, Cyan's cave

CC/42BB: NPC	Mt. Zozo: Envelope
CC/42BF: NPC	Mt. Zozo: Empty
CC/4355: NPC	Mt. Zozo: small sparkle
CC/4362: MAP	 Mt. Zozo--First inner chamber
CC/4385: ENT	Mt. Zozo, all caves except Cyan's
CC/43CD: NPC	Mt. Zozo: Dragon
CC/43E2: MAP	 Mobliz--World of Ruin
CC/4447: MAP	 Mobliz, children's cave under mailman's house (WoR)
CC/44FB: NPC	Mobliz, children's cave (WoR): Young Boy
CC/450B: NPC	Mobliz, children's cave (WoR): Terra
CC/4515: NPC	Mobliz, children's cave (WoR): Terra
CC/451F: NPC	Mobliz, children's cave (WoR): Young Boy
CC/4529: NPC	Mobliz, children's cave (WoR): Young Girl
CC/4539: NPC	Mobliz, children's cave (WoR): Young Girl
CC/4543: NPC	Mobliz, children's cave (WoR): Young Boy
CC/454D: NPC	Mobliz, children's cave (WoR): Young Girl
CC/455D: NPC	Mobliz, children's cave (WoR): Young Man
CC/4561: NPC	Mobliz, children's cave (WoR): Well-Dressed Young Woman 2
CC/4565: NPC	Mobliz, children's cave (WoR): Terra
CC/4990: MAP	 Mobliz, children's cave under mailman's house (WoR)
CC/4ABD: MAP	 Mobliz, children's cave under mailman's house (WoR)
CC/4AEC: NPC	Mobliz, children's cave (WoR): Terra
CC/4AE8: NPC	Mobliz, children's cave (WoR): Young Boy
CC/4AE0: NPC	Mobliz, children's cave (WoR): Young Girl
CC/4AE4: NPC	Mobliz, children's cave (WoR): Young Girl
CC/4B0C: MAP	 Mobliz--Wounded Soldier's House
CC/4B29: MAP	 Mobliz--Wounded Soldier's House
CC/4B47: NPC	Mobliz, soldier's house: Young Man
CC/4C0B: NPC	Mobliz, cave under soldier's house (WoR): Terra
CC/4C0F: NPC	Mobliz, cave under soldier's house (WoR): Young Man
CC/4C13: NPC	Mobliz, cave under soldier's house (WoR): Well-Dressed Young Woman 2
CC/4C17: NPC	Mobliz, cave under soldier's house (WoR): Young Boy

CC/506E: NPC	Mobliz, children's cave (WoR): Young Boy
CC/5072: NPC	Mobliz, children's cave (WoR): Young Girl
CC/5076: NPC	Mobliz, children's cave (WoR): Young Girl
CC/507A: NPC	Mobliz, children's cave (WoR): Young Man
CC/507E: NPC	Mobliz, children's cave (WoR): Well-Dressed Young Woman 2
CC/5082: MAP	 Mobliz--Relics
CC/509A: MAP	 Mobliz--Armor Shop
CC/50CA: ENT	Mobliz, cave under house
CC/50EA: ENT	Mobliz, soldier's house / mailman's basement
CC/5136: ENT	Mobliz, relic shop and mailman's house upstairs
CC/5159: ENT	Mobliz, outdoors (WoR)
CC/5173: ENT	Fanatics' Tower, first set of stairs 
CC/518C: ENT	Fanatics' Tower, ground level
CC/51F7: NPC	Fanatics' Tower: Pirate
CC/51FB: NPC	Fanatics' Tower: Pirate
CC/51FF: NPC	Fanatics' Tower: Pirate
CC/522A: NPC	Fanatics' Tower: Pirate
CC/522E: MAP	 Fanatics Tower--Entrance
CC/5248: MAP	 Fanatics Tower--Entrance
CC/5262: MAP	 Fanatics Tower--Entrance
CC/5275: MAP	 Fanatics Tower--Entrance
CC/5440: MAP	 Fanatics Tower--Treasure Room, on roof
CC/544B: MAP	 Fanatics Tower--Roof
CC/558B: NPC	Fanatics' Tower, room on 25th floor: Dragon
CC/55A3: ENT	Fanatics' Tower, room on 25th floor
CC/55A6: MAP	 Fanatics Tower--Treasure Room
CC/56DA: ENT	Tzen, outdoors (WoR)
CC/583E: MAP	 Tzen, outdoors (WoR), predestruction
CC/58D4: MAP	 Tzen, outdoors (WoR), predestruction
CC/58FF: MAP	 Tzen, outdoors (WoR), predestruction
CC/5958: MAP	 ??
CC/5976: NPC	Tzen (WoR): Sabin outside burning house
CC/5B01: ENT	Albrook, outdoors (WoR)
CC/5AC9: NPC	Tzen (WoR): Young Woman
CC/5ACD: NPC	Tzen (WoR): Young Man
CC/5AD1: NPC	Tzen (WoR): Older Shopkeeper
CC/5AD5: NPC	Tzen (WoR): Old Man
CC/5AD9: NPC	Tzen (WoR): Old Woman
CC/5ADD: NPC	Tzen (WoR): Young Woman
CC/5AE1: NPC	Tzen (WoR): Young Man
CC/5AE5: NPC	Tzen (WoR): Older Shopkeeper
CC/5AE9: NPC	Tzen (WoR): Old Man
CC/5AED: NPC	Tzen (WoR): Old Woman
CC/5AF1: NPC	Tzen (WoR): Young Man
CC/5AF5: NPC	Tzen (WoR): Old Man
CC/5AF9: NPC	Tzen (WoR): Dancer
CC/5AFD: NPC	Tzen (WoR): Young Boy
CC/5BCA: NPC	Albrook (WoR): Flame (also cave in the veldt flame)
CC/5BD9: NPC	Albrook (WoR): Young Man
CC/5BDD: NPC	Albrook (WoR): Pirate
CC/5BE1: NPC	Albrook (WoR): Pirate
CC/5BE5: NPC	Albrook (WoR): Pirate
CC/5BE9: NPC	Albrook (WoR): Scholar
CC/5BED: NPC	Albrook (WoR): Older Shopkeeper
CC/5BF1: NPC	Albrook (WoR): Old Man
CC/5BF5: NPC	Albrook (WoR): Old Man
CC/5BF9: NPC	Albrook (WoR): Young Woman
CC/5BFD: NPC	Albrook (WoR): Old Man
CC/5C01: NPC	Albrook (WoR): Scholar
CC/5C05: NPC	Albrook: Scholar at Inn
CC/5C09: MAP	 Jidoor (WoR)--Item Shop
CC/5C1D: MAP	 Jidoor (WoR)--Inn / Tzen, Inn
CC/5C31: MAP	 Jidoor (WoR)--Weapon Shop
CC/5C45: MAP	 Jidoor (WoR)--Armor Shop
CC/5C59: MAP	 ??
CC/5C6D: MAP	 Jidoor (WoR)--Relics
CC/5C81: NPC	Tzen: Item salesman, Old Man
CC/5C8D: NPC	Tzen: Innkeeper, Old Woman
CC/5CE2: NPC	Tzen: Weapon salesman, Old Man
CC/5CEE: NPC	Tzen: Armor salesman, Old Woman
CC/5CFA: NPC	Tzen: Relic salesman, Old Woman
CC/5D06: ENT	Tzen, outdoors (WoB)
CC/5D68: ENT	Tzen, enter house
CC/5D89: NPC	Tzen (WoB): Old Woman
CC/5D93: NPC	Tzen (WoB): Old Man
CC/5D9D: NPC	Tzen (WoB): Young Woman
CC/5DA7: NPC	Tzen (WoB): Old Man
CC/5DB1: NPC	Tzen (WoB): Young Boy
CC/5DBB: NPC	Tzen (WoB): Young Woman
CC/5DDD: NPC	Tzen: Pirate
CC/5E2B: NPC	Tzen (WoB): Imperial Soldier "The Empire strings up anyone who opposes it."
CC/5E2F: NPC	Tzen (WoB): Imperial Soldier "3 cheers for the Empire!"
CC/5E33: NPC	Tzen (WoB): Imperial Soldier "You're in the way! Git!"
CC/5E37: NPC	Tzen (WoB): Imperial Soldier "Everything belongs to the Empire!"
CC/5E3F: ENT	Albrook, outdoors (WoB)
CC/5E68: ENT	Albrook, cafe / relic shop
CC/5F09: ENT	Albrook, enter house
CC/5F64: ENT	Maranda, armor shop
CC/5F68: ENT	Maranda, weapon shop
CC/5F7A: ENT	Maranda, Lola's house & inn
CC/5F95: MAP	Albrook, cafe: Play Johnny C. Bad song
CC/5FA2: MAP	Albrook, cafe: Stop Johnny C. Bad song
CC/5FAF: NPC	Albrook: Old Man in armor shop
CC/5FBD: NPC	Albrook (WoB): Townspeople
CC/5FBD: NPC	Albrook (WoB): Young Man "This is Albrook, the occupied city"
CC/5FCD: NPC	Albrook (WoB): Young Man "They say there's something valuable to the east"
CC/5FDD: NPC	Albrook (WoB): Older Shopkeeper "We have to bribe the troopers to do business here"
CC/5FED: NPC	Albrook (WoB): Dancer "Vector, capital of the Empire, is at the center"
CC/5FF1: NPC	Albrook (WoB): Old Man "You'll find some good weapons and items in Tzen and Maranda."
CC/5FFF: NPC	Albrook (WoB): Scholar "I'm a scholar of magic. Monsters on this continent have"
CC/601B: NPC	Albrook (WoB): Imperial Soldier "No entry into the port!"
CC/601F: NPC	Albrook (WoB): Imperial Soldier "The Empire strings up anyone who opposes it."
CC/6029: NPC	Albrook (WoB): Imperial Soldier "3 cheers for the Empire!"
CC/6033: NPC	Albrook (WoB): Imperial Soldier "You're in the way! Git!"
CC/603D: NPC	Albrook (WoB): Imperial Soldier "Everything belongs to the Empire!"
CC/6047: NPC	Albrook (WoB): Imperial Soldier "Mess with the Empire and"
CC/6065: NPC	Albrook, cafe: Dancer "Ah welcome!"
CC/6069: NPC	Albrook, cafe: Dancer "Hey you're not of the Empire!"
CC/606D: NPC	Albrook, cafe: Dancer "In any case, you're probably broke!"
CC/6071: NPC	Albrook, cafe: Dancer "Ahaaa!!"
CC/6076: NPC	Albrook, cafe: Young Man "Nuts! These soldiers are absolutely insane!"
CC/607A: NPC	Albrook, cafe: Older Shopkeeper
CC/608E: NPC	Albrook, cafe: Imperial Soldier
CC/60C6: NPC	Albrook: Armor salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CC/60A2: NPC	Albrook: Weapon salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CC/60AE: NPC	Albrook: Barkeep at cafe, Older Shopkeeper
CC/60BA: NPC	Albrook: Item salesmman, Older Shopkeeper
CC/60D2: MAP	Albrook, EXIT Inn
CC/60E6: MAP	Albrook, EXIT Weapon Shop
CC/60FA: MAP	Albrook, EXIT Armor Shop
CC/610E: MAP	Albrook, EXIT Item Shop
CC/6122: MAP	Albrook, EXIT cafe
CC/6136: MAP	Albrook, EXIT cafe
CC/614A: NPC	Albrook (WoB): Innkeeper, Older Shopkeeper
CC/62F2: MAP	Albrook (WoB): Imperial Soldier blocks the party from the docks
CC/632D: MAP	Albrook (WoB): Imperial Soldier blocks the party from the docks
CC/6368: ENT	Maranda, outdoors
CC/64AE: NPC	Maranda: Townspeople
CC/64AE: NPC	Maranda: Young Woman
CC/64C6: NPC	Maranda: Imperial Soldier "Aishya, no!!"
CC/64CA: NPC	Maranda: Imperial Soldier "You should hear the gossip .."
CC/64CE: NPC	Maranda: Imperial Soldier "Phew!"
CC/64D2: NPC	Maranda: Young Boy "My dog's the fiercest!"
CC/64D6: NPC	Maranda: Older Shopkeeper "Place all bets here!"
CC/64DA: NPC	Maranda: Young Man "Scram!!"
CC/64DE: NPC	Maranda: Imperial Soldier "This is our only means of recreation"
CC/64E2: NPC	Maranda: Old Man
CC/64FA: NPC	Maranda: Imperial Soldier
CC/650E: NPC	Maranda: Young Man
CC/6526: NPC	Maranda: Dancer
CC/6551: NPC	Maranda: Imperial Soldier
CC/6555: NPC	Maranda: Young Man
CC/6563: NPC	Maranda: Former thief #1 outside
CC/6567: NPC	Maranda: Former thief #2 at the Inn
CC/656B: NPC	Maranda: Former thief #3 outside
CC/656F: NPC	Maranda: Weapon salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CC/657B: NPC	Maranda: Armor salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CC/6587: NPC	Maranda: Innkeeper, Older Shopkeeper
CC/65C6: ENT	Mobliz, outdoors (WoB)
CC/6645: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CC/664C: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CC/6653: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): Innkeeper, Older Shopkeeper
CC/668D: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): Item salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CC/6694: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): Relic salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CC/669B: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): Old Man
CC/669F: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): Scholar
CC/66A3: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): Young Man
CC/66A7: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): Young Woman
CC/66AB: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): Scholar
CC/66B3: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): Young Woman
CC/66B7: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): Pirate
CC/66BB: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): Pirate
CC/66BF: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): Young Woman
CC/66C3: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): Young Girl
CC/66C7: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): Scholar
CC/66AF: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): Well-Dressed Young Woman 2
CC/6755: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): Young Boy
CC/6759: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): Young Man
CC/675D: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): Scholar in soldier's house
CC/6761: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): Pigeon
CC/6768: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): Envelope in soldier's house
CC/67CF: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): Mailman?, Scholar in mailman's house
CC/6878: NPC	Mobliz (WoB): Soldier? Young Man in soldier's house
CC/68E8: NPC	Maranda, lola's house: Young Woman
CC/6935: ENT	Kohlingen, outdoors (WoB, including Locke's flashback)
CC/6958: MAP	 Kohlingen, Rachel's house
CC/6965: MAP	 Kohlingen, crazy man's house (both floors)
CC/6972: MAP	 Kohlingen, crazy man's house (both floors)
CC/697F: MAP	 Kohlingen--General Store
CC/698C: MAP	 Kohlingen--General Store
CC/6999: MAP	 Kohlingen--Inn
CC/69A6: NPC	Kohlingen: Older Shopkeeper
CC/69B2: NPC	Kohlingen: Older Shopkeeper
CC/69BE: NPC	Kohlingen: Older Shopkeeper
CC/69CA: NPC	Kohlingen: Innkeeper, Older Shopkeeper
CC/69FA: NPC	Kohlingen (WoB): Townspeople
CC/69FE: NPC	Kohlingen (WoB): Young Man
CC/6A06: NPC	Kohlingen (WoB): Young Man
CC/6A0A: NPC	Kohlingen (WoB): Young Girl
CC/6A0E: NPC	Kohlingen (WoB): Young Woman
CC/6A12: NPC	Kohlingen (WoB): Old Woman
CC/6A21: NPC	Kohlingen (WoB): Young Man
CC/6A25: NPC	Kohlingen (WoB): Old Man
CC/6A29: NPC	Kohlingen (WoB): Young Woman
CC/6A2E: MAP	 Kohlingen, Rachel's house
CC/6D1E: NPC	Kohlingen (WoB): Old Woman
CC/6D2C: ENT	Kohlingen, crazy man's house, both floors
CC/6D31: MAP	 Kohlingen, crazy man's house (both floors)
CC/6D78: NPC	Kohlingen: Old Man (also in rachel's house)
CC/6D91: NPC	Kohlingen: Rachel, Well-Dressed Young Woman
CC/6F07: NPC	Kohlingen: Pirate at Inn
CC/6F4B: ENT	Kohlingen, inn
CC/6F66: ENT	Kohlingen, inside house
CC/6F29: NPC	Kohlingen: Older Shopkeeper
CC/6F84: NPC	Kohlingen: Shadow at Inn
CC/707F: NPC	Dog bark!
CC/7083: MAP	 Narshe (WoB) (normal)
CC/70AB: MAP	 Narshe (WoB) (normal)
CC/7097: MAP	 Narshe (WoB) (normal)
CC/72BA: NPC	Narshe, inside: Old Man, Arvis?
CC/72BE: NPC	Narshe, inside: Banon
CC/72C2: NPC	Narshe, inside: Opera CHarismatic Guy, Arvis?
CC/72C6: ENT	Vector, outoors (during escape from Magitek factory)
CC/72C9: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside
CC/72D6: ENT	Magitek Factory, first area (first visit)
CC/7360: ENT	Magitek Factory, second area (only before subway ride)
CC/73DA: ENT	Magitek Factory, garbage dump
CC/73E1: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside, 2nd
CC/7409: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside, 2nd
CC/7431: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside, 2nd
CC/7565: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside, 2nd
CC/7573: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside, 2nd
CC/7581: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside, 2nd
CC/75BB: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside, 2nd
CC/75C9: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside, 2nd
CC/75F6: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Chamber where Shiva and Ifrit are found
CC/7651: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside
CC/765F: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside
CC/7682: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside
CC/76A7: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside
CC/76CC: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside
CC/76F1: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside
CC/7716: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside
CC/772C: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside
CC/772C: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside
CC/7735: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside
CC/7753: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside
CC/7771: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside
CC/77B0: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside
CC/77CE: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside
CC/77EC: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside
CC/781B: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside
CC/784A: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside
CC/7862: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside
CC/787A: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside
CC/78A5: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside
CC/78D0: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside
CC/78E0: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside, 2nd
CC/7905: MAP	 Magitek Factory--Inside, 2nd
CC/7937: NPC	Magitek Factory: Ifrit
CC/7992: NPC	Magitek Factory: Shiva
CC/79CD: NPC	Magitek Factory: Magicite "Ifrit"
CC/79DD: NPC	Magitek Factory: Magicite "Shiva"
CC/79ED: NPC	Magitek Factory: Robot Boss (battle)
CC/79FC: ENT	Magitek Factory, Esper extraction room
CC/7A60: MAP	Magitek Research Facility--Tube Room
CC/7DBE: ENT	Gogo's Lair, entrance / guarded bridges / below bridges
CC/7E29: ENT	Gogo's Lair, moving ceiling room / chest jumping room
CC/7F43: MAP	Magitek Research Facility--Tube Room

CC/801C: ENT	Magitek Factory, subway station
CC/8022: NPC	Magitek Factory: Cid
CC/8157: MAP	Vector: during escape from Magitek factory
CC/816B: MAP	Vector: during escape from Magitek factory
CC/817F: MAP	Vector: during escape from Magitek factory
CC/8321: MAP	Vector: (before the Esper attack / after?)
CC/8342: MAP	Vector--Imperial Castle, inside
CC/835C: MAP	Vector--Imperial Castle
CC/839E: ENT	Imperial Castle, most rooms (including Terra's flashback)
CC/83C6: NPC	Imperial Castle: Emperor's Guard
CC/83CA: NPC	Imperial Castle: Emperor's Guard
CC/83D4: NPC	Imperial Castle: Emperor's Guard
CC/83E8: MAP	Vector--Imperial Castle, inside
CC/8490: MAP	Vector--Imperial Castle, inside
CC/85E3: MAP	Vector--Imperial Castle, inside
CC/860D: MAP	Vector--Imperial Castle, inside
CC/8637: NPC	Imperial Castle: Imperial Soldier "The Espers that emerged from the gate ..."
CC/864B: NPC	Imperial Castle: Imperial Soldier "We've lost our will to fight."
CC/865F: NPC	Imperial Castle: Imperial Soldier "Kefka's been imprisoned for unspeakable ..."
CC/8673: NPC	Imperial Castle: Imperial Soldier "The war's over"
CC/8687: NPC	Imperial Castle: Imperial Soldier "The Espers surely came to free their friends"
CC/869B: NPC	Imperial Castle: Imperial Soldier "The Magitek Research Facility's been dismantled."
CC/86AF: NPC	Imperial Castle: Imperial Soldier "The Empire's talking peace now!"
CC/86C3: NPC	Imperial Castle: Imperial Soldier "When the Emperor learned that Kefka used …"
CC/86D7: NPC	Imperial Castle: Imperial Soldier "Kefka! Using poison"
CC/86EB: NPC	Imperial Castle: Imperial Soldier "Kefka's scum"
CC/86FF: NPC	Imperial Castle: Imperial Soldier "My whole family was lost in the war"
CC/8713: NPC	Imperial Castle: Imperial Soldier "The war ended before we could use this machine"
CC/8727: NPC	Imperial Castle: Imperial Soldier "Kefka's in jail!"
CC/873B: NPC	Imperial Castle: Imperial Soldier "I heard you're the strongest of the Returners"
CC/8782: NPC	Imperial Castle: Imperial Soldier "Someone outta thrash ya!"
CC/8796: NPC	Imperial Castle: Imperial Soldier "I've slain too many people."
CC/87A6: NPC	Imperial Castle: Imperial Soldier "You're not wanted!"
CC/87B6: NPC	Imperial Castle: Imperial Soldier "I oppose peace!"
CC/87F9: NPC	Imperial Castle: Imperial Soldier "The Empire'll never die!"
CC/8809: NPC	Imperial Castle: Imperial Soldier "You deserve a thrashing!"
CC/884C: NPC	Imperial Castle: Emperors Guard   "Espers / Who'd have dreamed they were that powerful"
CC/885C: NPC	Imperial Castle: Imperial Soldier "We'll never knuckle under"
CC/886C: NPC	Imperial Castle: Imperial Soldier "Phepppp. Returner scum!"
CC/88AF: NPC	Imperial Castle: Imperial Soldier "Everything'll be settled after the banquet"
CC/8A3F: NPC	Imperial Castle: Emperor Gestahl
CC/8A43: NPC	Imperial Castle: Cid
CC/8A47: NPC	Imperial Castle: Emperors Guards in banquet hall
CC/8E63: MAP	Imperial Castle, banquet hall

CC/91C0: MAP	Vector--Imperial Castle, inside
CC/9284: NPC	Imperial Castle: Edgar
CC/9296: NPC	Imperial Castle: Cyan
CC/92B1: NPC	Imperial Castle: Emperor Gestahl
CC/92ED: ENT	Vector, outdoors, trashed (after the Esper attack)
CC/92F5: MAP	Vector: Exit Inn
CC/929F: NPC	Vector: Gau at cafe
CC/92A8: NPC	Vector: Mog at cafe
CC/9309: MAP	Vector: Exit tiny house
CC/931D: MAP	Vector: Exit weapon shop
CC/9331: MAP	Vector: Exit armor shop
CC/9345: MAP	Vector: Exit cafe
CC/9359: MAP	 Vector--Imperial Castle
CC/9371: NPC	Vector: Old Woman in tiny house
CC/93CE: NPC	Vector: Imperial Soldiers (before esper attack)
CC/93DC: MAP	Vector: before the Esper attack
CC/9455: NPC	Vector: Innkeeper, Young Man
CC/9459: NPC	Vector: Young Woman at Inn
CC/945D: NPC	Vector: Pirate at Inn
CC/9527: ENT	Vector, outdoors, intact (before the Esper attack)
CC/95F3: NPC	Vector: Older Shopkeeper at cafe
CC/95F7: NPC	Vector: Young Man at cafe
CC/95FB: NPC	Vector: Young Man at cafe
CC/95FF: NPC	Vector: Imperial Soldier at cafe
CC/96C9: MAP	Vector: before the Esper attack
CC/972C: MAP	 Vector--Imperial Castle
CC/977B: MAP	 Vector--Imperial Castle
CC/9781: MAP	 Vector--Imperial Castle
CC/984A: MAP	 Vector--Imperial Castle
CC/985B; SUB	Intro (before M-tek in snow)
CC/9A4F: SUB	New Game (after M-tek in snow)
CC/9AD5: SUB	Tint ?
CC/9AE0: SUB	Tint ?
CC/9AEB: MAP	Save Point: Commmon
CC/9B01: SUB	Save Point: Tutorial
CC/9B1D: MAP	Narshe: Raid with Vicks, Wedge and Terra fight #1 (battle)
CC/9B71: MAP	Narshe: M-Tek fight #2 (battle)
CC/9BB3: MAP	Narshe: M-Tek fight #3 (battle)
CC/9C08: MAP	Narshe: M-Tek fight #4 (battle)
CC/9C94: MAP	Narshe: M-Tek fight #5 (battle)
CC/9D0D: MAP	 Narshe-Mountain Path to Maze
CC/9D97: MAP	 Narshe-Mountain Path to Maze
CC/9DA7: MAP	 Narshe-Mountain Path to Maze
CC/9DB2: MAP	Narshe: break open new mine shaft
CC/9E23: MAP	 Narhse Caves (beginning)
CC/9EF2: ENT	Narshe, whelk's empty cave / Tritoch's empty cave (WoB)
CC/9F2A: MAP	 Narhse Caves (beginning)
CC/9F37: MAP	 Narhse Caves (beginning)
CC/9F6D: MAP	Narshe: invoke battle with Tritoch

CC/A06F: NPC	Narshe, inside: Old Man or Old Turban Guy
CC/A25E: NPC	Narshe, inside: Slave Crown
CC/A2E5: MAP	Underneath Narshe
CC/A279: MAP	Narshe (WoB) (normal)
CC/AB6F: ENT	Narshe, moogle 3-party battle area (WoB)
CC/AAB3: NPC	Narshe, moogle 3-party battle: Terra
CC/AADF: NPC	Narshe, moogle 3-party battle: Wolf A
CC/AAF7: NPC	Narshe, moogle 3-party battle: Wolf B
CC/AB0F: NPC	Narshe, moogle 3-party battle: Wolf C
CC/AB27: NPC	Narshe, moogle 3-party battle: Wolf D
CC/AB3F: NPC	Narshe, moogle 3-party battle: Wolf E
CC/AB57: NPC	Narshe, moogle 3-party battle: Wolf F
CC/ADA8: NPC	Narshe, moogle 3-party battle: Old Turban Guy (boss)

CC/B054: MAP	Narshe (WoB) (normal):
CC/B06A: MAP	Narshe (WoB) (normal)
CC/B07B: MAP	Narshe (WoB) (normal)
CC/B133: MAP	Narshe (WoB) (normal): secret cave entrance
CC/B205: MAP	Narshe (WoB) (normal)
CC/B21D: MAP	Narshe (WoB) (normal)
CC/B230: MAP	Narshe (WoB) (normal)
CC/BCA0: NPC	Narshe, hill maze (WoB): Kefka

CC/C253: NPC	Narshe, Arvis house: Locke
CC/C25B: NPC	Narshe, Arvis house: Celes
CC/C263: NPC	Narshe, Arvis house: Cyan
CC/C271: NPC	Narshe, Arvis house: Edgar
CC/C27F: NPC	Narshe, Arvis house: Sabin
CC/C28D: NPC	Narshe, Arvis house: Gau
CC/C3EB: NPC	Narshe, hill maze (WoB): Locke
CC/C425: NPC	Narshe, hill maze (WoB): Edgar
CC/C45F: NPC	Narshe, hill maze (WoB): Sabin
CC/C499: NPC	Narshe, hill maze (WoB): Cyan
CC/C4D3: NPC	Narshe, hill maze (WoB): Celes
CC/C50D: NPC	Narshe, hill maze (WoB): Gau
CC/C547: NPC	Narshe, hill maze (WoB): Terra
CC/C581: MAP	Narshe, hill maze (WoB): Save Point
CC/C605: NPC	Narshe, hill maze (WoB): Banon
CC/C8E3: NPC	Narshe, hill maze (WoB): Banon
CC/C90C: NPC	Narshe, hill maze (WoB): Imperial Soldier A
CC/C943: NPC	Narshe, hill maze (WoB): Imperial Soldier B
CC/C97A: NPC	Narshe, hill maze (WoB): Imperial Soldier C
CC/C9B1: NPC	Narshe, hill maze (WoB): Imperial Soldier D
CC/C9E8: NPC	Narshe, hill maze (WoB): Imperial Soldier E
CC/CA1F: NPC	Narshe, hill maze (WoB): Imperial Soldier F
CC/CA56: NPC	Narshe, hill maze (WoB): Imperial Soldier G (black)
CC/CA6F: NPC	Narshe, hill maze (WoB): Imperial Soldier H (black)
CC/CAA6: NPC	Narshe, hill maze (WoB): Imperial Soldier I (black)
CC/CADD: NPC	Narshe, hill maze (WoB): Imperial Soldier J (black)
CC/CB14: NPC	Narshe, hill maze (WoB): Imperial Soldier K (black)
CC/CB4B: NPC	Narshe, hill maze (WoB): Imperial Soldier L (black)
CC/CBFB: ENT	Narshe, hill maze (WoB)

CC/D0E7: ENT	Narshe, lower town (WoB)
CC/D1E3: NPC	Narshe, inside: Bannon
CC/D1EB: NPC	Narshe, inside: Old Man, Arvis?
CC/D1E7: NPC	Narshe, inside: Opera Charismatic Guy, Arvis?
CC/D1EF: NPC	Narshe, lower town (WoB): Old Man
CC/D1F3: NPC	Narshe, lower town (WoB): Young Man
CC/D1F7: NPC	Narshe, lower town (WoB): Young Man
CC/D1FB: NPC	Narshe, lower town (WoB): Old Man
CC/D1FF: NPC	Narshe, lower town (WoB): Old Man
CC/D203: NPC	Narshe, lower town (WoB): Old Man
CC/D207: NPC	Narshe, lower town (WoB): Young Man
CC/D215: NPC	Narshe, lower town (WoB): Pirate
CC/D223: NPC	Narshe, lower town (WoB): Old Man
CC/D231: NPC	Narshe, lower town (WoB): Young Man
CC/D23F: NPC	Narshe, lower town (WoB): Young Man
CC/D24D: NPC	Narshe: Weapon salesman, Old Man
CC/D262: NPC	Narshe: Armor salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CC/D277: NPC	Narshe: Relic salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CC/D28C: NPC	Narshe: Item salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CC/D2A1: NPC	Vector: Weapon salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CC/D2A4: NPC	Vector: Armor salesman, Older Shopkeeper
CC/D2A7: NPC	Narshe: Innkeeper, Older Shopkeeper
CC/D2E4: NPC	Beginner's House: "Chocobo riding"
CC/D2EE: NPC	Beginner's House, east: Scholar
CC/D2F6: NPC	Mog teaches about Relics
CC/D331: MAP	Narshe (WoB) (normal)
CC/D34A: MAP	Narshe (WoB) (normal)
CC/D35C: MAP	Narshe (WoB) (normal)
CC/D3C6: NPC	Narshe, inside: Young Man
CC/D3CA: NPC	Narshe, inside: Empty (door) "Locked" (also burning house in Tzen)
CC/D3CE: MAP	Narshe-Elder's House
CC/D424: MAP	Narshe (WoB) (normal)
CC/D456: MAP	Narshe (WoB) (normal)
CC/D48A: MAP	Narshe-Mountains between Narshe and the caves above Narshe
CC/D4A8: MAP	Narshe-Mountaintop cliff (normal)
CC/D4DD: MAP	Narshe-Mountaintop cliff (normal)
CC/D4FE: MAP	Narshe-Mountaintop cliff (normal)
CC/D4F1: MAP	Narshe-Mountaintop cliff (normal)
CC/D523: MAP	Narshe-Mountaintop cliff (normal)
CC/D594: NPC	Narshe, mountaintop (WoB): Another Wolf
CC/D5DF: NPC	Narshe, mountaintop (WoB): Moogle
CC/D6E3: NPC	Narshe, moogle cave (WoB): Moogles "Kupo!"
CC/D6E7: NPC	Narshe, moogle cave (WoB): Moogle "Kupo po!"
CC/D6EB: NPC	Umaro's Cave, Umaro's Lair: Skull & Torch, carving on the wall
CC/D793: NPC	Umaro's Cave, Umaro's Lair: Umaro, recruited by Mog
CC/D896: ENT	Umaro's Cave, Umaro's Lair
CC/D8A7: MAP	Umaro's Cave, first cave and bridges cave
CC/D8B2: MAP	Umaro's Cave, first cave and bridges cave
CC/D8D4: MAP	Umaro's Cave, first cave and bridges cave
CC/D8F6: MAP	Umaro's Cave, cave north of first cave
CC/D918: MAP	Umaro's Cave, cave north of first cave
CC/D93A: MAP	Umaro's Cave, first cave and bridges cave
CC/D967: MAP	Umaro's Cave, first cave and bridges cave
CC/D9C4: MAP	Narshe, security checkpoint cave (WoB)
CC/DA4A: MAP	Narshe, security checkpoint cave (WoB)
CC/DAD5: MAP	Narshe, security checkpoint cave (WoB)
CC/DB60: MAP	Narshe, security checkpoint cave (WoB)
CC/DBEB: MAP	Narshe, security checkpoint cave (WoB)
CC/DC76: MAP	Narshe, security checkpoint cave (WoB)
CC/DCF7: MAP	Narshe, security checkpoint cave (WoB)
CC/DD82: MAP	Narshe, security checkpoint cave (WoB)
CC/DE11: MAP	Narshe, security checkpoint cave (WoB)
CC/DEA6: MAP	Narshe, security checkpoint cave (WoB)
CC/DF31: MAP	Narshe, security checkpoint cave (WoB)
CC/DFBC: MAP	Narshe, security checkpoint cave (WoB)

CC/E047: MAP	Narshe, security checkpoint cave (WoB)
CC/E0DC: MAP	Narshe, security checkpoint cave (WoB)
CC/E15D: MAP	Narshe, security checkpoint cave (WoB)
CC/E1E8: MAP	Narshe, security checkpoint cave (WoB)
CC/E265: MAP	Narshe, security checkpoint cave (WoB)
CC/E2E2: MAP	Narshe, security checkpoint cave (WoB)
CC/E35F: MAP	Narshe, security checkpoint cave (WoB)
CC/E3F4: MAP	Narshe, security checkpoint cave (WoB)
CC/E416: NPC	Narshe, security checkpoint cave (WoB): big sparkle
CC/E486: NPC	Narshe, security checkpoint cave (WoB): big sparkle
  • ff3/ff3us/doc/asm/rom_map/field_events.txt
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)