
Name Alternative Atma Weapon 1.0
Author HatZen08
Link Download
No-Intro Name Final Fantasy III (USA)
No-Intro version 20130701-030720
File SHA-1 EA1DC87ECB3BA90BBFB8C122F8EE23CA426F5991
ROM SHA-1 4F37E4274AC3B2EA1BEDB08AA149D8FC5BB676E7
Game Version 1.0
Language English
Console Super Nintendo (SNES)
Header Yes
Address Description
$C20E39 - $C20E77 atma weapon new damage algorithm
$C24044 - $C2404E special effect redirection

The patch changes the damage algorithm of the Atma Weapon. Two alternative patches are available. Both of them use the same algorithm. The only difference is that the version 10a doesn't ignore defense and the version 10b ignores it.

  • ff3/ff3us/patches/hatzen08/alternative_atma_weapon.txt
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)