
Location Properties

aka. Map Properties

Description Value
Base offset (SNES) $ED8F00
Blocks $019F
Block size $21
Total size $357F

The Location index corresponds to the block index.

Routine at $C0/1CAD will load location properties for the current location and store in RAM $0520. See Field RAM.

Offset Description
$00 Location Name Index
$01 Layer Effects Flags
$01 enable X-Zone (doesn't do anything)
$02 enable Warp (spell and item)
$04 wavy BG3
$08 wavy BG2
$10 wavy BG1
$20 enable spotlights
$80 load timer graphics
$02 $7F Battle Background
$80 BG3 in Foreground
$03 -
$04 Tile Properties Index
$05 $7F battle proprieties
$80 enable random battles
$06 $03 Window Mask Settings
$80 set for colosseum guy's house (unused)
$07 7-bit: Graphics (4) + BG3 GFX + Tilesets (2)
$0D 10-bit: Tilemaps (3)
$11 Sprite Overlay Index
$12 BG2 Shift, left
$13 BG2 Shift, up
$14 BG3 Shift, left
$15 BG3 Shift, up
$16 BG2/BG3 Scroll Mode
$17 BG1/BG2 Dimensions
$03 BG2 Map Height Index
$0C BG2 Map Width Index
$30 BG1 Map Height Index
$C0 BG1 Map Width Index
$18 BG3 Dimensions
$0F <unused> (copied to RAM)
$30 BG3 Map Height Index
$C0 BG3 Map Width Index
$19 Palette Index
$1A Palette Animation Index
$1B BG Animations
$E0 BG3 Animation Index
$1F BG1/BG2 Animation Index
$1C Music Track
$1D -
$1E Layer mask right Edge ($00 loops)
$1F Layer mask bottom Edge
$20 BG2/BG3 Color Math Mode

7-bit: Graphics (4) + BG3 GFX + Tilesets (2)

byte 6   byte 5   byte 4   byte 3   byte 2   byte 1
aaaaaaab bbbbbbcc ccccdddd dddeeeee eeffffff fggggggg
_______ _______ _______ _______ ______ ______ _______
   |       |       |       |       |      |      |____ g: BG1/BG2 Graphics 1
   |       |       |       |       |      |___________ f: BG1/BG2 Graphics 2
   |       |       |       |       |__________________ e: BG1/BG2 Graphics 3
   |       |       |       |__________________________ d: BG1/BG2 Graphics 4
   |       |       |__________________________________ c: BG3 Graphics Index
   |       |__________________________________________ b: BG1 Tileset Index
   |__________________________________________________ a: BG2 Tileset Index

10-bit: Tilemaps (3)

byte 4   byte 3   byte 2   byte 1
--cccccc ccccbbbb bbbbbbaa aaaaaaaa
   __________ __________ __________
       |          |          |______ a: BG1 Tilemap Index
       |          |_________________ b: BG2 Tilemap Index
       |____________________________ c: BG3 Tilemap Index
4-bit BG Dimensions (HEIGHTxWIDTH)

          Size Values:  256  512 1024 2048 
Height Values (2-bit):    0    1    2    3
 Width Values (2-bit):    0    4    8    C

0  256x256  4  256x512  8  256x1024  C  256x2048
1  512x256  5  512x512  9  512x1024  D  512x2048
2 1024x256  6 1024x512  A 1024x1024  E 1024x2048
3 2048x256  7 2048x512  B 2048x2048  F 2048x2048
  • ff3/ff3us/doc/asm/fmt/map_propriety.txt
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)